Can one Really Earn a Living on STEEM?

in Project HOPE4 years ago


The corona pandemic has really impacted negatively on the economic lives of families, communities and nations at large. It therefore calls on a re-look in the income as expenses over this period has been on the increase.

Some days ago, I stumbled on an article which questioned the possibility of making a living in a cryptocurrency powered blogging platform. I then reflected "Can You Really Earn a Living on Steem?" The reason I had the mixed feeling was that while the true answer from my end would be a "yes", many others who are just seeing Steem as a place to fun with may just laugh in contempt. I wouldn't blame them them, perhaps life is beautiful where they are.

I live in a country that over 70% of her population are living below USD daily, over 60% of university graduates are doing menial jobs and unemployment toll is on the rise on a daily basis. Nobody really cares, yet, many graduates are serving as thugs for political leaders for crumbs and some are paid meager sums to insult political opponents on social media. Moreover, some graduates are teaching in private schools and are earning $50 monthly. Besides, some have been without pay for the last 4 months due to covid-10 that have caused schools to close down.


Few weeks ago, I wrote a post with pain when I saw an advert for the N-power programme in Nigeria which promised 400,000 slots for unemployed graduates. Sadly, within 3 days of opening the portal for application, over 1 million had already applied. You know what? It's not every a permanent job and the monthly pay is just $75.

It is crucial that we state clearly whether we are just socializing or one can draw some tangible value here on STEEM. Indeed, I see the answer to this question as a solid point to convince many out there that blogging on STEEM could be a better option than some private jobs. I know of some close persons that their families were actually being fed by their earnings from STEEM from March to June, 2020 when there was lockdown in my state. I feel for them.

I wish posts as this could make a way to trend in search engines so many unemployed could readily spot out to join so they can make some meaningful earnings for their lives. I so wish I had long identified the potentials of STEEM, I would have staked some more tokens which would have afforded me some more tangible upvote worth for undervalued posts.

The truth is that earning money by doing what we love is something that all of us dream about. This is just the beginning of Financial freedom, yet, many have not seen. While one may not probably retire on what you make here, but this is your best shot at doing something that you're already passionate about - could be blogging, drawing, vlogging, project buidling, etc. - and earning something for your efforts. This is what cryptocurrency-powered platforms represent.

For everyone reading this post, I say "You can Really Earn a Living on Steem!" Just start your journey today.

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For now, I can not fully earn living from steem. Steem is an additional income for me. It is enough to pay the electric and phone bill. I steel earn from my work. I hope in the future I will make sustainable income from steem.

Good to know your view. Great that your work still pays during this pandemic. More wins

This is an interesting question. I wrote about it a few months ago. And it is very easy for people who live in countries with high inflation to do so.
Venezuela for example, where a salary hardly exceeds 10-15 dollars. Steem is a brilliant opportunity. We know that, but for a country where you need 300 dollars to survive it can be a complex thing, that's the reality.
But I project myself on this platform for the future, I know that much more can be achieved. You have to look at the many options right here, to make a profit.
You have to be financially smart to see more options here.
Unfortunately, not many people know about this platform, especially in these times, when an income from home is so necessary.

Very good publication @uyobong

Thanks you Jose. I have personally made earnings from blockchain blogging over the past three months. My work is linked with universities and my office has been literally closed since schools were closed. I'm planning plans to restart operations this week.

Good, I'm glad to know that you can generate good profits through the platforms.
Me too, I can't complain, although luckily I've been able to continue working from home.

Some time ago I managed to live for over a year of digital income, it was quite good that period and the truth was my mismanagement of profits which affected me now from there I learned that to live from the Internet you need several sources and you can achieve financial freedom understanding that if you're in a country where you need $300 you should aim for a market where the minimum wage is $ 1200

Thanks for your addition. Great to learn from you.

Hello friend, I note that the situation in your country is difficult, in the same way it happens in my country Venezuela inflation levels are very high and saving is often difficult, I share with you that this platform allows us to generate an income and knowing how to manage them would solve some basic needs, I had some time without writing but I started to resume my activity on the platform with a lot of dedication and discipline, So long excellent writing !

Thanks very much for stopping by. We trust that things would get better.

I don't think it is cool to see steem as a quick money project, this is the exact orientation that ruined the crypto space an ushered in numerous toxic acts, and yes, this is the same idea that is killing steem too. People fill it with low quality and plagiarized posts just to get upvotes and 'earn a living'.

I am not talking about Steem as a quick money. That's a different theme. I am talking about making a living here. Many are already doing that. Good that you have other sources of income, others may not have. Have you considered those investing their money to buy stakes ? SOme have given in as much as $20,000, shouldn't they make money from their curation?

It is really interesting to read your text, and I do hope it will show up in search engines later. I do believe Steem is a good option for those living in poorer countries, considering that you can actually make a good extra income by posting here regularly and being active in different communities (like Project Hope).

I guess the biggest obstacle currently is that people don't find the platform, and if they do, it can be challenging to find the right community and to get those upvotes in the start that will make you inspired to keep on going!

Thanks for the thoughtful addition. I appreciate.

Money and value perception are relative to the environment where you are.

That's really a solid response. Thanks.

To me it all point down to how ones see steem and how one approach the time spent on steem, like you said some are here for the fun and some are here for making a living. The determination and commitment of these two when checked will be different from each other.
If only some Nigerian knee about the blockchain, perhaps they will value it than applying for that $75 paying program. But when there is no opportunity, one utilize the opportune ones

That's a solid response too. Thanks for your insight.

I'll also love to share my experience as a student and I must say God has actually been helping me with regards to survival and I can confidently tell you that steem has really been helping me a lot since I'm able to buy food stuffs and also buy some important materials I need for my project.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead

Thanks for your testimony. God would use the most unlikely sources to surprise us at-times.

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