The habit of publishing daily - The power of habits!

It is a Friday and I haven't had much time today to write and do my other work. In fact, I have had quite some stomach aches and don't feel good. But, there is one strange thing about all of this. No matter, there is one thing I have on my mind all day... my habit of publishing a post here on the blockchain! It has become an important part of my daily routine and it is a habit. It feels very strange and almost impossible to go to bed without writing my daily article.

To be honest, that is kind of powerful, isn't it?


When a task is a part of your daily routine, it makes you effective!

It feels great to know that I am busy writing and publishing every day. But right now a new question came to my mind. Wouldn't it be amazing if I made some other daily routines or habits with other tasks as well? Okay, I brush my teeth, I drink my morning cup of tea, and other similar stuff every day. But, what if I would implement more similar tasks into my daily working routine? We are often tempted to believe that one day with lots of work is more efficient than a daily routine, but in the long run, we will most likely be way more efficient when the work we do turns into a part of our daily routines.

Of course, you can have some days off, take a holiday, but still - make sure to implement those habits and routines in your life that will make you productive, even on bad days and on days in which you do not feel inspired.

How to make something your habit?

I read a book once about the power of good habits. It was quite interesting because it dealt with how you can create routines, including something you always do, and then program your brain to follow it with another action. If you do this enough, it will turn into a habit.

For example, every time you walk to the computer in the morning, you open the window first, and while getting some fresh air, you do 10 push-ups, and then spend 30 seconds tidying up the room before you actually sit down by the computer. If you do this routine a couple of days in a row, it will turn into a habit that will mostly happen by itself.

This is just one way, but it is powerful and something that can help you become way more productive!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


Hello friend, an excellent publication, it is a great initiative to encourage us to publish, creating a habit sometimes is not easy, but if we do it with discipline we will surely achieve it. In these platforms we have to be constant people to obtain the desired objectives. Greetings.

Habits are so powerful that they can shape someone's future. Cultivating a habit or writing/reading daily is a way to increase effectiveness and to improve the overall mental health of the individual.
Thanks for sharing this amazing piece buddy

Yeah, cultivating good and healthy habits are crucial if we want to succeed in life! Thanks for your reply!

this type of habit demands consistency and I must really commend you on that with the great stuffs you do post here on the blockchain. cheers!

I once read that a habit takes 40 days to build and become part of you. Creating positive habits that support you to be better and move forward is very important for life. For example, if you set a goal to post daily until it becomes part of your life and doesn't weigh you down, sooner or later you will succeed.

Some people say it takes 21 days, others says 40... I don't want is correct, but consistency is probably the most important here!

If we are consistent in any work we will always be Successful in every field and work. We just need to very careful and work hard to reach our goal.

A lot of people don't know that the littlest actions they take often times shape their habits and so their outlook of life. Thanks for sharing

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