Take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly, and try another. But by all means, try something. - Franklin Roosevelt

I know this is a topic and a subject that is often written about here in Project Hope, but I guess it is because it is something we struggle with, fight with, and fight for on a daily basis.

But, I would like to take a closer look at this short saying from Franklin Roosevelt. It is easy to just read the part of it that you like the most, but let us take a closer look at it together.

something new.jpg

Take a method and try it.

This is the first part of the saying. Take a method and try it. He says, go ahead and try it. You have nothing to lose. Don't be afraid to try something new. Nobody ever succeeded without trying something, so if you want to go somewhere, go ahead and give it a try.

If it fails, admit it frankly, and try another.

This is the second part... Whenever you try something, failure is a very possible outcome. I have done lots of stuff that I don't consider to be great successes. But, that is a part of reaching success. I might write 50 articles on different topics, and only one of them will actually succeed and reach the masses. This is also very true when it comes to SEO and getting organic traffic to articles. You cannot always understand why one articles turn into a success and ends up getting lots of traffic from Google, while another one that I consider to be better, receives no traffic at all. But, it is part of the game.

And, when you fail at something, don't be afraid to admit it. Being together with experts who never make a mistake is terrible. You don't feel good around such people. But, being around vulnerable people feels so much better, because they are human beings, just like yourself!

And if you fail, don't stop. Try something else!

But by all means, try something.

What is the conclusion? Do something! Don't sit still waiting for something to happen. If nothing happens, happen yourself! If nobody is doing anything, do something! The worst thing that can happen is for nothing to happen. It might feel safer, but you will not achieve what you could have achieved if you actually stood up to try something new!

So go ahead and have a good day! I wish you a blessed Saturday, a beautiful Sunday, and a new week with new opportunities at doing new things, old things, and being creative!


The title of this post has a very strong message. Yeah, when something is tried and it does not result in success, you should not quit but give it another trial. The goal may remain the same but keep trying out different processes until it results to success.
Nice piece buddy

An excuse to get completely lazy is the failure experienced from past events, despite the experiences from failure it remains a necessity to get up and keep trying every time there is a bad experience.

Our society makes people believe that failure is something embarrasing and awful, when failure is the main thing that allows us to overcome each time. We have to lose the fear of failure and just to try again and see how we become in a better person by learning of our mistakes. The panic of mistaking is never a good reason to stop.
Very important and interesting article, greetings!

It takes a good strength to admit that we have failed at a thing but then it takes a great level of humility to start again while we work on the reason why we failed initially.

Hmmm... This is simply explaining that we should always try to go for other options instead of just being static on one single option without no positive results.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕💓

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