Mother's Day - Are you listening to your mother/wife in business?

Yesterday it was Mother's Day in many countries of the world. Maybe you have a hard time creating a connection between Mother's Day and business life, but there is definitely a connection. So, let me ask you a few questions and tell you some thoughts. Maybe your mother doesn't influence you so much in your daily life, but what about your wife (if you have one)?

mother mom.jpg

Who are you listening to?

It is very important to be surrounded by encouraging people when you do business. It is important to have people around you that will help you grow as a human being. But, who should you listen to, and who should you ignore? And what is the position of your wife and your mother in these matters?

Your mother/wife in your business life

There are few people that know you better than your mom and your wife. They might not have a clue about what your business is about, your leadership principles, and what's happening in the daily running of your job... but, they do know you. And that is often even more important.

An entrepreneur works day and night

If you are about to start a business or if you have recently started a business, you are most likely working day and night to make it work. But, what do you do when your wife suddenly says: "Hey, cut the work, sleep more, let us go to the cinema, let's have some fun." She might feel like the biggest opponent to your success at that time, but is she?

Do you look at your wife/mother like this when they speak about your job/business?

What is the measure of success?

Maybe you would be able to write one more article if you stay up an extra hour in the evening. It might boost sales or income more. But, once again - is money the measure of success?

We have often seen people with successful businesses, but with ruined marriages, and catastrophic family lives. But, you don't have to ruin your family life in order to achieve success. You just need to find the right balance.

That is why you need to have open and good conversations with those surrounding you about what's going on. Tell them about your challenges, your problems, and how your prioritize.

Your wife/mother is often the first to sense that something is wrong

It is almost terrible, but my wife is the first to discover when I am having a hard day. She just looks at me, and she asks: "What's wrong?" That is a giant help, and she can tell when I am tired and just needs to get to bed (and not work more).

You might feel tempted to give them the "enemy" stamp when they tell you to stop, relax, and go to bed. But don't forget - they know you better than anyone on the plant. So, you might want to listen to them, and give them some credit, honor, and praise for keeping up living next to an unbearable person like yourself?

What do you think? I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic. And I hope I have been able to help some of you with the content of this article. Family is important, and if you don't get the point, watch the Adam Sandler movie Click! It is awesome when it comes to the actual value of family life versus business life. Not only has it got a good message, but it is also giant fun!

 4 years ago 

Interesting approach.

I have seen many companies where the administrators are a couple.

In fact some friends of mine, who are a solid marriage of many years, own a maternity clinic. The director is Dr. Alvarez and the administrator is his wife.

We can also see family businesses or companies where parents and children interact and maintain functionality.

Great article.

Leading a company together is an interesting approach. It is risky, because any marriage trouble might lead to company trouble, but if it does work, then I believe it is a very good combination!

 4 years ago 

It has worked very well for them so far.

I really share with you the same concept of the importance of the woman in everything, not only the woman as a mother, but that partner we have as a wife who supports us and understands us in everything good and bad that happens to us, so the support that our wives can give us in business matters will always be well oriented.

Greetings and thanks for sharing excellent reflection.

Glad to have you around, and thank you for the comment! :)

I always tell people that we have a very unique sense to spot a bad deal, bad clients, and bad co-workers or employees.

Most men do not like having their wife involved in their businesses for reasons best known to them but having a feminine touch on so many things help a lot.

Hello friend @unbiasedwriter, thanks for sharing.

We have often seen people with successful businesses, but with ruined marriages, and catastrophic family lives. But, you don't have to ruin your family life in order to achieve success. You just need to find the right balance.

If we could do a study to determine how often people end up neglecting and losing their family because of work and business, the results would be overwhelming.

It is sad but it is a great reality, in life everything must be balanced, if we tip the scales we can end up failing.

Yeah, we need the balance, and I believe listening to your wife and mum will help keep the balance, because they see you from the outside and might have some needed wisdom that will help you out!

@unbiasedwriter mother , wife , sister this are the three most beautiful gift god has provide us , without them you cannot get any success.

I am glad you feel that way :) If you manage to live in peace and love with those closest to you, that is a really precious gift!

Mom or wife? That is difficult question. In my country Mom should be respected first than a wife. However, in business it is different aspects. I think I would rather listen to all opinions both from Mom and Wife than take the decision and explain why I should choose one of their opinions.

IN the western world, respect for mum and wife is often degraded a bit, but I believe they are worthy of both respect, honor, and attention. Luckily, it isn't a competition between mum or wife (at least, hopefully, it isn't)

hi @unbiasedwriter ,

Married life play major role in family and if we maintain married life very well then all problems will be solved automatically. Understanding between each other is important.

Yeah, a good marriage will strengthen you in all areas of life, but it sure takes time and energy to keep it strong!

I find it interesting when couples are leading a company together, I feel it produces more stability and better result.

Yeah, I do believe that females will strengthen a company, as they see things from a different perspective. And when a man and a woman lead together, they have a very good situation!

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