FOMO, a constant danger, even if you know about it and have experience!steemCreated with Sketch.

One of the first words you hear about when you start to deal with crypto-trading is FOMO. It means Fear of Missing Out, and it is even used among teens and people when it comes to social media as well. The fear of missing out is something that comes natural to all of us, simply because we want to be part of whatever is cool, whatever is growing, and wherever you believe big bucks are to be made.


In other words, the same concept is at work in a teenager who fears that if they do not pay attention to their phone, they will miss out on what's up with their friends (and only look stupid later because they did), just like in a trader who fears that if they do not buy in on a project or a crypto currency right now, they will regret in ten years, because it never reached the same low spot again.

I have been paying attention to what's happening in the crypto-world for three years regularly, and even though I feel like I am getting smarter, I am still telling myself and educating myself about FOMO regularly.

I am fighting FOMO right now...

Do you know what? I am having daily struggles with FOMO. My memory is kind of bad as well, but I am trying to strengthen it. I remember seeing Ripple at 0,2 USD when I entered the crypto-game. I bought some. After that, Ripple went to almost 3,5 USD. Steem went from 0,1 USD to 9 USD during the same time. There are many similar stories. And I am scared to think of all those who FOMO-ed in on Steem, Ripple, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and all the other currencies when they were almost at the top.

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However, it is a useful lesson to see that all those currencies have almost returned to the same levels again, and some even lower than before. We saw a big bullrun, but then suddenly the bears came, and it was a long bloodbath. When I fight FOMO, I often look at the charts, just to tell myself that it will get lower again.

But, what do I mean when I say that I am fighting FOMO right now?
Have you seen the recent rise in the value of cryptocurrencies such as LINK and VET? Those are two favorite projects of mine, and I pay close attention to them. And Vechain has increased almost 4x in value throughout the last months. That is totally crazy. And right now, I feel like I would have loved to own more of the token. Should I buy more now? NEVER! I know it in my head, but the fear of missing out is so easily knocking on the door. I feel tempted. What if it will moon like crazy and never return? It might happen! Luckily, I have some tokens still, and I will hold onto them. But, I will never do a big investment after a token has gone on a big run.

I am still suffering a bit. Almost 3 years ago, I bought some Link tokens at 4850 Satoshi, and just before the big LINK bullrun started, I did some easy trading, hopefully, just to gain some more. However, during such a short trade, I managed to sell almost my entire stack, and with LINK it seems to be true... it will never return to those levels again. It is painful, but still... I will stick to my principle! But, if it ever returns down to those levels again, I will, of course, be ready to invest.

An example of poor judgment

Recently, #NULS had an airdrop to everyone who had their token. I paid closely attention to it, and hoped that it would end up mooning a bit, just like the Steem token did before the Steem/Hive fork. The news was dropped quite early about the airdrop, and the token saw a quite nice rise. But, there were still no news about whether or not the big exchanges would support the airdrop. I had a little bit of BTC (luckily, not much) that I could use, and my fear of missing out, made me purchase some tokens 5-6 days before the airdrop. I was hoping that when #Binance and the other exchanges were to tweet about their support of the airdrop, the token price would fly, and I would be so happy!

So, I bought some NULS tokens, and the tweet from Binance came. I felt so happy. But, then came the interesting effect... the token price fell. Man, I felt stupid! Sell the news! Sell the news. That is what happened. Everyone expected Binance to support the airdrop, so that was already calculated into the price. And when the news came, the price fell. And I lost a couple of dollars making a poor little trade. And guess what caused it all... FOMO!

Bitcoin at 9200 makes it hard to predict the future

I am fighting FOMO all the time. And with the Bitcoin price moving between 9000-9400, it is hard to know what to do. I am not sure that the next big move from Bitcoin will go upwards. And if it would suddenly go down (like it have done so many times before), then the prices of altcoins and everything might drop with 50% quickly. That would be a way better time to invest.

We are waiting for Ethereum 2.0 to be released in a couple of months. I can already feel the FOMO in my fingers as I am writing this text. Staking is coming up, and it is going to be wild. I believe Ethereum has the potential of experiencing massive growth in value. Maybe I should buy some new tokens now?

What is the strategy?

If I had 1000 USD to invest (which I don't), I would not spent it all at once. One of the best ways to go against FOMO is by investing partially. Don't use it all at once, but spend it partially. Maybe you should split it up in 12 piece and spend 10% each month. You might regret (if the prices go up), but, you might also be able to buy way more tokens if the prices should go down. No matter what, you will still have some tokens of your favorite tokens, simply because you have bought more and more every month.

What is your FOMO story?

I have shared some of my thoughts about FOMO-ing and my personal struggles here in this article. Do you have some FOMO story you would like to share?

Considering how HIVE and Steem are platforms to which many people come without any knowledge of cryptocurrencies, it is important to educate ourselves on such topics. After all, when you first use the platform and get a taste of trading cryptocurrencies (starting with Steem and HIVE), it is easy to make mistakes, and I believe we can help each other sharing experiences and knowledge we have.

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This is an original article written by me for Project Hope!


The paradox with FOMO is that we ALWAYS miss out on something. You can do only one thing at a time and there's infinite number of other things you could be doing. My solution to FOMO is to make maximum of the current situation, because when you ignoring present moment you also miss out on that thing you ARE doing!

That is definitely true, but still - even with the right knowledge in the head, it is so easy to become a "victim" to FOMO.

I believe this present Bitcoin price is not actually helping the altcoins as it make it more difficult to predict how the altcoin will move as they mostly depend on the wings of Bitcoin movement.

Most fomo I have suffered from are the steem tribe. Buying sports token, pal token and some also hoping they will go up but instead they go down and down

I have never ever even thought of buying Steem tribe tokens (and I don't think I will). But, I agree with you that the Bitcoin price is making things hard to predict. At the same time, it is often when Bitcoin is standing quite still for a longer period that the altcoins start to move. No matter what, a hard situation! :)

For me, it's either the ..."I coulda made more!" syndrome, or "I'm not gonna FOMO-in" (but I end up doing it, and then it drops 30 seconds after I push the buy button. doh!) This was a great article and wonderful topic to choose as it relates to most of us all here as we sit here blogging away, waiting for bitcoin to DO something. I just can't stand this sideways movement. Now it went up 200 bucks. Will it go up more? It may, but this is probably a bull trap to get all the fomo-ed people in, and then BAM! it'll tank and go back down to $6400. I just feel it in my bones.... my right index finger right now is hovering over the mouse which has the cursor right over the buy button on Binance right now as I'm typing to you!! I'm not gonna FOMO in!!! I'm not gonna FOMO in!! no, yes? no...

To be honest, hope you didn't FOMO in there... Amazing to read your comment as well, enjoyable reading! I know the feeling, and especially the I coulda made more feeling is one I know very well. I also fight with the "If I had only bought then and sold then" feeling, for example... if I had bought steem at 0,1 USD, joined in for the fork, and then sold hive on the top and so on. But, that is just wishful thinking and not really possible. But, my brain likes to torture me with such thoughts.

However, FOMO is tough on me, and I guess on you as well! :) Thanks a lot for your commenting, and glad to see that your voting power has grown so much... either you have worked a lot, or FOMO-ed in and gotten more Steem tokens, or maybe you sold all your hive to get more steem... Not sure, but don't seem to remember that you had this much steem before! :)

We are not perfect in the game friend, mistakes and regrets may come along and we just have to continue to try hoping that the market stays favourable to us.

That is very true... trading always comes with situations that could have been better. It is a part of the game!

To be a trader of crypto is not easy. There are some terms that sometimes miss like hodl, fomo . When I hodl a coin , the price dump and not return back, I lost a lot of cash. that is an example

Yeah - and then you sell it because you see no hope in it any longer, and suddenly it moons ! :)

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