Do you have a vision beyond your own wealth?

We all dream of wealth and riches. Maybe not about living in giant palaces and driving around in Lamborghinis, after all, a nice Tesla would be more than enough for most of us, wouldn't it?

Many starts to publish posts here on Steemit hoping for riches and wealth, and it for sure is a step in the right direction to do something to achieve your goal.


But, even if it is starting a business, blogging, running a restaurant, or whatever it might be, I believe it is very important to have a vision beyond your own wealth and success. What do I mean?

You got to live for something bigger than yourself!

Do you know why? I believe that it is crucial that we live for something bigger than ourselves. I know Project Hope is about helping people in Venezuela, and I can really believe that it is hard to think about others than yourself when you don't have money to put food on the table. But, at the same time, it is very healthy for people to see other people and to have a higher goal.

Do you know why? It might come a day when you actually earn more than today. When you have plenty of food on your table. What will happen then? Why aren't people automatically happier when they get rich? Often, they get more depressed. They don't even know what to do with the money. Do you know why? We are not supposed to live for ourselves... we are supposed to live for others and to help others.

What is your vision?

Maybe your vision is to get rich. But, what will your riches be for? Set goals that are outside yourself and your own little world. If you think that you want to use your riches to help people without food elsewhere, to support missionary work somewhere, to fight global pandemics, or whatever... just set a goal!

That is why I enjoy so much writing for Project Hope here on Steemit... it gives me extra motivation for writing, even when I don't feel like writing. Do you know why? Because, whenever I write, I actually support people in Venezuela with the income from my article. Do you know what? That actually inspires me to write good material and to write more frequently than I feel like doing. Simply because it is a vision beyond myself that keeps me going, even when I don't care so much about my own life.

Do you see where I am going?

I hope this article will make you think, inspire you, and maybe challenge you to start thinking beyond your own little world and sphere. You might not be in the situation right now in which you can spread money around in all directions, but plan for it, and have a vision for it!

Blessings to all of you!


I fully agree that a vision is very important and a vision just to get rich, in my opinion, is very shallow. I find the rewards in life that make us happy come from helping other people. We are a social animal and it in our nature to be communal. In the days gone by that might have been fighting in a tribe of warriors but today there are many places we can build community as the world has been brought together through technology. It no longer matters where we are from as we can meet and discuss and learn together. So PH is a win/win for all.

Richness that helps you pay the bills is useful, but there is really greater joy in giving than in receiving, so this is just awesome here at PH!

Of course, we all like to pay the bills and the relieves a lot of stress. However, I have been to poor villages in remote parts of Africa where I have seen smiles on the faces in contrast to gloomy faces of businesspeople in big European cities rushing around to chase money. Money doesn't by happiness as they say.

Stay safe my friend and be happy.

Hello @unbiasedwriter
It's a very good message you give through your publications.
Life is a bit complex to understand from one angle. To have goals beyond oneself, I wish everyone thought that, the world would certainly be different.
Projecto Hop in effect, was an initiative of @juanmolina and @crypto.piotr some time ago, to support a small group, however, you see, here is the project quite advanced, going beyond the borders of Venezuela, and I say this not because it supports the income of everyone here through a blockchain that is global, but because there is support not only for people from my country, Venezuela.
But many users from the African continent, I have also seen users from Finland, and this is simply great. This is already a vision far beyond what is done here, I know that many more things will come. It's just a matter of time, and you'll see how far we can go with what we do here, there's a great team behind all this. And it will be something that transcends, I know.

Yes, Project Hope is just an example of someone working to help people beyond themselves. Luckily, Steem makes it easy to bless others, not only by writing, but also by tipping, curating, and voting for others. And comments can also help encourage writers and keep the motivation and spirit in them! Thanks for dropping by!

This is one post i must testify that is touching. Living to make impact in the lives of others rather than living for one's self. We do not live to die for ourselves, we live so others can live through our impact.

Thanks for dropping by, and also thanks for featuring the post in the highlights post of three PH posts the last week!

If there is no definite goal to the pursuit of wealth, we later realize that there is more to life than making money.

Having a clear vision keeps us healthy, wealthy and strong.

Well said, really like the way you phrased that first sentence! :)

Totally agree with you friend. We have to expand our goal than current limit or whatever we think to achieve in the future. There are so many ways to be successful our life. But need to get more knowledge and experience for increase vision. I think rich wealth not only enough from our side. We must need to look long term vision.

Resteemed already. Upvote on the way :)

I think one should write for himself/herself first...It gives self satisfaction. Blogging is all about this. Nice write up.

Good to write and be satisfied, but I do believe in the long run, it is important to look even further!

This post has been rewarded by the Steem Community Curation Project. #communitycuration06

 4 years ago 

Dear @unbiasedwriter

Finally I found some time to catch up with Steemit and read few older posts (bookmarked a while ago). I wonder if you even would read this comment ;) Time will tell.

Do you have a vision beyond your own wealth?

I wonder. what if my wealth is my knowledge, experience and mostly ... contacts and relationships?

I see wealth not as amount of $$$, gold, crypto in my posession. But mostly as a combination of those 3: knowledge, experience, contacts. That is wealth, which cannot be taxed and taken away from me by goverments and central banks ;)

So I wonder ... how can I see beyond this sort of wealth?

I know Project Hope is about helping people in Venezuela
That's surely the way we started. However PH is already more than that. So much more :)

ps. Perhaps you can share with me the answer for that question: WHAT IS YOUR VISION buddy?

Solid read. upvoted already
Yours, Piotr

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