COVID-19 isn't to play with - keep watching out for yourselves! A personal story!

I had no intention at all to write about COVID-19 as I woke up today. But, then I had a phone call this afternoon, and suddenly my day was somehow turned upside down.

Maybe you have had COVID up close in your family, maybe you have been sick yourself, and maybe you have lost someone near. Well, I have been very lucky, because nobody in my close family has been sick. We have taken all possible precautions to watch out, especially for the elderly people, but also for ourselves. So yes, we have been lucky, and hopefully, vaccines will help us even more so in the near future!

But, I have friends who have been living a "wilder" life during COVID. Some have been thinking that if they get sick, then they will survive, so who cares. And then some people have said that it is all a joke, propaganda, Bill Gates, and who knows what... And considering that I haven't really seen many cases "close up", you can sometimes feel tempted to think that it isn't dangerous and that everything in the world goes on as normal.

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And then my phone started to ring...

Yeah... that is when a friend of mine called, one who has been saying that Covid is just a "scam", and nothing more than the normal flu. Why all this mess? Because of this, the family hasn't taken many precautions, and for one year, that has been entirely fine... But, then it suddenly ended as the eldest member of the family (aged around 70) suddenly felt bad, was taken to the hospital, and three days later (whereof he spent two on a breathing machine), was dead... due to Covid.

You might be tempted to say... I told you so! But to me, this isn't about, "I told you so" and "why didn't you take this more seriously?"

This is about taking care of ourselves and our loved ones. It is easy to take easily upon it as long as it seems so distant, but it can get closer way faster than one could expect!

So, take care, watch out for your loved ones, and if possible - get a vaccine (or two!).

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This is an original article written by me for Project Hope!


Eventually, this virus will simply vanish in the wild!

Those very few people with access to labs and the balls to speak are just finding - influenza.
Miraculous how so-called covid has eradicated influenza. The person was 70.

Hello friend, hey I know perfectly well that there are still people who do not believe what is happening, but it is not until you live it up close that you react. Covid is a very serious disease and we must take care of ourselves especially if we have risk factors. It is better to be safe than sorry. Best regards!

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