Coinbase -> Uniswap -> PancakeSwap -> 🙄

in Project HOPE3 years ago



I found this article today.

Uniswap vs PancakeSwap

I thought this was a very interesting read.
If you are interested in Pancake or Uniswap, they cover the usuals...

  • What Is PancakeSwap?
  • What Is Uniswap?

I think regular people are pushed out from Uniswap because of expensive gas fees, and "DeFi" became a huge playground for whales.Everyday small people and projects had to look for "better" alternatives.
Pancake got a lot of tracktion because of affordability and cute and cuddly marketing.
I am not sure if that is a good idea to get into pancake but I started flipping cakes last month.
I definitely like their cheap transaction fees for sure. Do I like $CAKE or $BNB... not so much but there are lot of other tokens in the DeFi space that I don't perticualry care for so that is okay I guess.

But the thing I thought about reading this article is that its not Uniswap vs Pancake... or vs Coinbase... because DeFi took off last year and quickly out of control because of the gas, and then pancake took off because of that... all in the short period of time.
That means... soon something else will quickly take over pancake we just don't know what it is yet.
Comparing different projects and find out pros and cons are good, but I think "vs" way of thinking is kind of dangerous as a small user.
I thought "Uni DeFi" was the future but then all my dust tokens got stuck in there and I can't move any of them so they basically became 💩 until something happens to ETH.
Pancake is hot and fluffy now but then I don't want to make the same mistake and get stuck there or left behind...
So the important thing is that being curious, flexible and learn continually, then look out for what is next, not this vs that... imo.
Still a good article to read though.



Hi @tomoyan I think this way of seeing things in black and white is one of the many ways people have to simplify a decision without having a lot of information, on the other hand as blockchain and the whole DEFI ecosystem is new and still not very clear how to make money people use the little they know to make a decision that will generate profit.

I have tried both Uniswap and Pancake, and of course, Pancake feels way better right now because of the fees which are more reasonable... in the same way, I had a failed transaction on Uniswap some weeks ago, and it costed me $20, so that felt kind of terrible...

But, in the long run, I am curious to see how this will develop. If Ethereum can get back to normal transaction fees, I see a way bigger potential there, but CZ Binance and his crew are good business people, and I believe the will for sure keep lots of traction on the Binance Smart Chain!

Hello @tomoyan, no doubt there are still things I do not know about blockchain and this type of investment is new to me, so to speak, I will investigate more about it since an additional percentage to our income would not be bad at all. Thank you for your contribution

Thanks for sharing without doubt gas fee has been a major problem in uniswap and ethereum protocol base platforms i hope new incentive means will be provided.

What a very excellent publication @tomoyan. I actually got to know about Uniswap when they gave out fee 400 UNI tokens as airdrop to their users.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕♥️

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