Social Robots will enter many homes, do you know how to deal with it?

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Image from Pixabay, edited with Powerpoint by @tocho2.

Hello Friends..!

This is my first post of the year 2022 after a long absence for health reasons, I already feel much better, with a lot of energy and with the best enthusiasm to post interesting topics again.

And do not be surprised by the title of this post, Social Robots do exist, and in a short time in every home or at least in many homes there will be one, and I am sure that many of us have no idea how to face this technological challenge, much less we will know how to relate to them.


What do we know about Social Robots?

Its name advances a general idea, because a robot is an autonomous machine as far as we know, however, there is much beyond this because it is not as new as it seems, for some time we have interacted with apps that pretend to be a humanoid Thanks to artificial intelligence (AI) and today it already has a real human form with human limbs, face and gestures, which allows them to "enter into social contact" with humans.


The most surprising thing about a Social Robot

From the first computerized applications to current robots we can find not only the simulation of a human body with the simulation of human behavior as well, AI has also advanced significantly by giving Social Robots the ability to:

  • Answer questions
  • Start conversations
  • Reading comprehension, language interpretation
  • Emotions such as sadness, joy, crying and empathy, among others.

With this we can say that he can easily enter into context in society, since he is endowed with "human characteristics" that will allow him a "sympathetic" interaction with real humans.

But I leave you an interesting question, do we really need to interact with Social Robots?

Image from Pixabay, edited with Powerpoint by @tocho2.


What is the interesting side of a Social Robot?

If we look for the usefulness of this "technological novelty" a test is already underway in Europe where Social Robots are used to care for the sick and provide assistance to people who need it, such as the elderly and even educating children. Seen in this way, if they are very useful.

Let's think about the ethical side of this case

How would you feel when interacting with a Social Robot? What kind of reaction could it generate in you?

And this is where we must think about the effects that this would have on the environment and on the family. For example, children exposed to frequent interaction with Social Robots could be affected in the development of their emotions because there is a great distance between dealing with humans, with parents, friends and family to which it can be provided. to "a robotic object" and children may not be able to distinguish this fact.

In other cases, both children and adults could reach a state of confusion developing emotional attachments such as with the "childhood toys" or also at the opposite extreme, they could develop a rejection of the presence and use of the Social Robot.

Image from Pixabay, edited with Powerpoint by @tocho2.

Another thing that could happen is the obstruction of social and affective relationships with other individuals in society and even with animals, taking into account that there are also robot pets. But unfortunately there are still not enough studies on this ethical issue that allow you to establish where are the limits? Or the positive side of the social inclusion of these robots.


To conclude, it is very possible that there is still not enough proven experience to find a true balance between the benefits of Social Robots and their role among humans, however we cannot leave aside that in health matters they could reach have a fundamental role in terms of their participation in the care of the sick, the elderly and their participation in the recovery therapies for the injured, if we only aim at this idea, then if we could speak of substantial advantages.

What do you think about this advance, would you allow the entry of a Social Robot in your social and family circle?

If you liked this post, comment and let me know your opinion ..!

More information on this topic here


Greetings @tocho2, the technological era continues to take giant steps and this issue does not surprise me as they have been working on it for quite some time. AI is undoubtedly playing a key role in the era of quasi-human Social Robots.

Hello @carlir, I only wish that the role of the social robot in our daily life of the future does not imply such a role that humans are "relegated" or subordinated to these robots

Thanks for commenting

hello @tocho2,
the use of this technology is just starting, i think it will have a positive effect on people who don't have the ability to socialise with other people. that's not really what worries me, what really worries me is when soldiers capable of killing are developed. we have to remember that what is dangerous is when you combine artificial intelligence with rebotics. resulting in a soldier with incredible strength and the ability to learn at infinite speeds, is frightening if you stop to think about it.

Hello @trabajosdelsiglo, Exactly as you say, this would be one of the most dangerous and worrying uses of robotics, in some way it will have to be regulated in the near future.

Thanks for commenting. Happy new year..!

Hi @tocho2, I'm glad you are in better health. Certainly robotic technology and AI are advancing by leaps and bounds, and I think social robots will be a topic of controversy in the future, in many cases they will be useful, perhaps in rehabilitation and emotional support, but certainly dependence on them can also be a problem as well as their rejection by some group of people.

Hello @emiliomoron, to the extent that social robots spread in the different communities it will be a great phenomenon, we will see more closely how well this social experiment works.

Thanks for comment.

Greetings @tocho2,

But I leave you an interesting question, do we really need to interact with Social Robots?

I don't think so, Practically speaking I would prefer talking to a human rather than a robot no matter its thinking Capabilities (AI) it's still a robot

What do you think about this advance, would you allow the entry of a Social Robot in your social and family circle?

I would say definitely no

Thank you for sharing such an interesting topic


Hello @winy, what a great comment, I'm thinking the same, it's a simply robot..!

See you friend..!

Undoubtedly human evolution and technological advances indicate that soon we will have robots providing butler services in our homes hopefully not happen a rebellion of machines as in the trailers greetings I love reading this content

Hello @diego1306, undoubtedly a rebellion of robots would be terrible, hehehehe

I hope we can stay in control when we have social robots at our service.

Thanks for commenting

Very interesting article, I enjoyed reading it, thank you guys.

Thanks for commenting @denis-village..!

Hi @tocho2, the idea of a social robot sounds really great and it might be interesting having a conversation with the smart machines, but I am also scared about something going wrong with the robots, what if we say something offensive to the robot and they decide to take it out on us? Pardon my crazy thought though.

Hello @bimbo45, your thinking is correct, thanks to AI the social robot can have emotions and make decisions, this is what makes it dangerous as you think it

Thanks for commenting

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