My participation - Project Hope competition #2, by @tocho2

in Project HOPE4 years ago


Pixabay resource edited on power point by @tocho2

This contest by our friend @josevas217 is not only entertaining, it also promotes a participation of intellectual expression that favors the added value of the Project Hope community and I am very pleased to present my intervention.

Education makes machines that act like men and produces men who act like machines." Erich Fromm.

Based on the first part of the sentence “Education makes machines that act like men ..,” I can affirm that I observe very closely the growing development of technological applications, tools and equipment that stimulate human behavior, in fact, I I recently made a post about one of the contributions of artificial intelligence in construction, and I constantly follow up on these magnificent advances with my corresponding reservations.

I think that education properly speaking is not directly related to the "tendency to create machines that act like humans" that currently occurs, rather I believe that this relationship is indirect in the sense that right now it is observed how universities are investing large human and economic resources for research in this matter, for future technological developments based on this premise, I can cite myself as an example because this year I introduced a subject to promote the development of AI applications at the university where I work, directed to a (very small) group of civil engineering students, this is my essay and I think it is a good time to take small steps in this area, taking into account that the only resource we have is the intellectual and the desires to be at the forefront.


I continue, in the second part of the sentence "... and produces men who act like machines", if I find a high degree of veracity because when "education" becomes an obligation or a mechanical activity, as results individuals can be obtained who They also act in a mechanized way, that is, people who execute an activity, task or project in an automated way without being fully involved, without showing interest or concern for the results obtained, without developing a sense of belonging to what they are doing with their hands or intellect.

Regarding education, as a university professor and as a citizen of this planet, I think that education should be stimulating and at the same time should generate curiosity, desire to continue knowing the "facts and phenomena", education should be participatory in equal parts between For teachers and students, education should be enjoyable and never an obligation.

We never stop learning, we never stop growing as individuals and thinking beings ..!


At present, particularly in Venezuela we must make a stop in terms of educational models at all levels, although it is necessary to know some "history" and "many theorems", it is also too necessary to get more involved with the experimental part, lead to the students to discover on their own, to investigate with really effective techniques, to get off the internet and to learn to use "their own environment" with a source of information.

We must teach to "perceive science" with the 5 senses ...!

I hope you liked reading my participation.

All images they are resources of free use and were edited by me using power point.

This is the original post of the contest promoted by @josevas217 in Project Hope

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hay join this discord server . I will talk you for beautiful thinks.

Hello @tocho2, once again thank you very much for participating in the contest.
As you say, education should not be an obligation, but something that is done by conviction, by taste, that is the way in which there will be a real participation of the person in the formation process.

Above all, it is something that we must like

Thanks @josevas217

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @scilwa, which is a curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community. We can also be found on our hive community & peakd as well as on my Discord Server

Manually curated by @abiga554


Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @scilwa. También puedo ser encontrado en nuestra comunidad de colmena y Peakd así como en mi servidor de discordia

Hello friend, excellent participation, the phrase you used is well adapted to our times, particularly I think that technology is necessary and demonstrates the ability we humans have to innovate and create interesting things, with the advent of artificial intelligence many have been very dependent on some devices such as phones.

The problem lies in the good use we make of these tools, we must put our human sense to work and put everything in its place. If we use things in a balanced way, it will not be long before we are displaced by machines, everything depends on us. I am a lover of technology, but I recognize that everything in excess is bad !

See you later friend, have a great weekend.

Certainly, if the proper use and the current dependence on technology are not balanced, the error of displacing individuals from their jobs could be incurred and worse still, the correct learning process could be displaced because it would no longer be necessary to school or professional training

hola querida amiga @tocho2 buenas tardes
me encanto tu presentación, la educación es muy importante, lamentablemente en los últimos años la enseñanza no es del todo buena, los chicos se reciben sin entender lo que han estudiado.

aprovecho para desearte una maravillosa tarde

Hola @jlufer, un plñacer esta visita que haces por aquí.
Ciertamente muchos jóvenes se están graduando de la secundaria y de la universidad sin tener idea de ¿qué fue lo que estudiaron o para qué les sirve?, y esa es la parte más preocupante de ésta historia.

Gracias por comentar. Saludos

La verdad no estamos aprendiendo nada y al mismo tiempo sabemos todo. Muchos conocimientos que están recibiendo los jóvenes no saben para que sean aplicados en su día. Creo que habrá cambios en la forma de estudiar y aprender. Un excelente post justamente tu estas siempre en contacto con estudiantes y observas su nivel de aprendizaje y su desespero por la actual pandemia para poder estudiar a través de la pantalla. @tocho2

Hola @sacra97, ciertamente necesitamos con urgencia cambios productivos en la metodología y herramientas de enseñanza, que generen grandes estímulos hacia el aprendizaje voluntario.

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