Autonomous vehicles and 5G technology

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Free use Resource from Pixabay, edited with PowerPoint by @tocho2.

Hello friends of Hope ..!

Once again I share with you a technology post with a novelty. We have all heard about autonomous vehicles, an example of them is Google vehicles that record information from Google Maps, but today's post is about the possible relationship between autonomous vehicles and 5G technology.

When we think of autonomous vehicles we imagine a car that moves through the streets "without a driver", this is an incomplete truth, autonomous vehicles could be classified according to the technology that they use. governs, as is the case with automated vehicles that only provide support to the driver through functions assisted by computer tools; then there are driverless vehicles that move "alone" and are autonomous robots and then the case of "connected" vehicles that have the ability to connect with the road infrastructure, with mobile devices and with other vehicles.


But what is the relationship between autonomous vehicles and 5G?

At first glance, it cannot be guessed that there is a possible relationship between autonomous vehicles and 5G technology, but it will be tangible in a short time. We know that 5G technology will provide the best connection speed and response between devices, which could in all cases a "real-time connection" without delays (even if these are for fractions of seconds).

Making use of the benefits of 5G technology, autonomous vehicles will be able to anticipate the prevailing conditions on the road and may even predict some adverse conditions, this reminds me of “cars Flyers of the Jetsons ”.

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Thanks to 5G, autonomous vehicles and their connection devices and automated driving will be able to interpret the data collected by other connected vehicles and will anticipate: possible obstructions or traffic jams on the road, possible accidents, maneuvers of other vehicles on the same road, presence of traffic lights and which light it will mark when it approaches, likewise you can adjust your speed of travel with the information obtained from the vehicular flow on the road where you are traveling.

Anticipating these scenarios could in some way reduce traffic accidents, but you will have to experiment a little


How to consolidate this premise?

Everything seems possible, but this has not yet been consolidated, it is only a premise currently under development, because along with technology, work must also be done on some aspects of operation and ethics, such as:
  • Limitations and responsibilities through laws and regulations because if autonomous vehicles "do not have a driver" who would be responsible in the event of an accident?

  • In terms of road safety, it is important to remember that the road will be shared between normal and autonomous vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists and public transport, so the traffic laws and regulations in each city must be updated.

  • When we talk about autonomous vehicles we are also talking about Artificial Intelligence, so a set of rules of use must also be created that protect the safety of citizens, which safeguard data protection (autonomous vehicles share information online with other vehicles and devices), and the most important thing is the benefit for citizens.

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There are two things in my mind on this topic, the first is that the regulations for the correct use of autonomous vehicles are more important than the development of technology itself; The second thing on my mind is that "I love to drive my car", especially driving on highways when I visit cities inside my country and I think, why do I want an autonomous vehicle? Although technological advances never cease to amaze me and they will always be interesting for me within my research in the area of AI and engineering.

If you liked this post, comment and let me know your opinion ..!

More information on this topic here

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beatifull post @tocho2 thansk you.

Thanks for commenting @rubedarioh..!

Como estas querida amiga @tocho2 buen dia
Excelente post como siempre, aprecio tu investigacion y la informacion que nos haces llegar

La verdad es que cada vez hay mas personas que manejan automovil y no saben manejar, no tienen idea de la distancia del frenado, no miran los espejos, no saben estacionar, no saben usar la caja de cambio para hacer las combinaciones de las velocidades, ante este tipo de dificultades, es que estos autos ganan popularidad

Te deseo un gran dia

Esto que dices es totalmente cierto amigo @jlufer, en cierto modo esta podría ser una gran solución para estos temibles casos, gracias por mencionarlo..!

Hola @tocho2
Me recordo este auto un "Huevito" , es un auto de los años 60 creo app pequeño de 3 ruedas , 2 adelnte 1 una atras , que ademas se abre por el capo, es el capo del auto el que tiene bisagras y se abre (lleva h ?).Personalmente este auto 5 G puede ser fantastica su tecnologia pero como diseño de espacio es algo decadente , muy bien desarrollado el espacio para ubicar tecnologia de punta sin duda , pero espacialmente pequeño para el confort de las personas , es como ponerse ropa de trabajo. Quizas si volara ¡¡¡ me gustaria .
saludos amiga
Pura vida

Hola @sepulennto, aquí en Vzla yo necesito un auto qu evuele realmente, jejejeje

Pero esta foto es solo un modelo de vehículos autónomos, el 5G aún no ha salido, en la dulce espera como decicmo acá..!

¿cómo anda todo?, y mi amigo Delgado?

Hola @tocho2 , si que bueno tener un Dron que surque el Universo ¡¡ Si si entiendo amiga , el sueño de volar , cada dia mas serca para todos los que quieran , como Delgado que esta muy bien . Todo bien por aqui ,Gracias .
Esa palabra todo es como el universo y afortunadamente no veo television ,mi todo es tan espumoso como el universo cuantico . JAJAJAJA.
Saludos desde Quintero.
Pura Vida ¡¡

Un abrazo para uds dos, amigo @sepulennto..!

While I was reading, I was thinking why would I let it drive itself even though I enjoy driving my car? But at the end I saw you mentioned that too so I can say I'm not the only one.

Also the technology itself is amazing and might be helpful in various ways but the scary part if people start using it in any wrong or dangerous way.

Nice read!

Hello @lennyblogs, your'e right, it's very scary to think that some people could misuse autonomous vehicles so I think regulations are important

Excelente publicación, gracias por la información, felicidades. Pienso en que quiero un vehículo autónomo también jejeje.

Estos en venezuela serían geniales por las colas, jejeje

Saludos @mariandreleal..!

Hola amiga tocho2, pienso lo mismo y sería una gran solución para una de mis hermanas que aún no conduce, pero siendo sincera y leyendo tu publicación y comentarios a mí me encanta conducir, viajar, sentir la vibración del volante en mis manos, creo que para mí sería un problema adaptarme a un vehículo de estos. 😅

Saludos @rosmerysanchez, justo eso mismo pienso yo, me gusta mucho conducir.

Gracias por comentar.

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