Project Hope competition for all content creators. Edition 2 | Automaton beings? | Original text by @theatrorve | Tuesday 22 12 2020 | #projecthope

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Project Hope competition for all content creators. Edition 2

Automaton beings?

Original text by @theatrorve
Tuesday 22 12 2020

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Good afternoon #projecthope community, greetings to all members and the rest of the #steemit family. Axa I'm here to show you my participation in the Project Hope Competition for all content creators, in its second edition and organized by @josevas217.

I am a person of many words but following the rules I will try to be as concise and summarized as posible

Starting from the sentence he placed, I will begin by giving my point of view on the subject.

| Premise | |
| "Education makes machines that act like men and produces men who act like machines " | |
| | Erich Fromm. |



Education, since ancient times, is considered the way to acquire knowledge. This knowledge serves to be used in the personal advancement of people and as a consequence the advancement of society and the advancement of humanity.

However, I consider that this concept has been manipulated to create people who in the end become machines or robots at the service of particular interests of a group of individuals with the power to create these situations.

You grow, you acquire knowledge for the benefit of a group and not for the benefit of an individual and you work for it. It is clear that you can obtain a personal benefit in the journey but it is not comparable with the general benefit obtained by those who manipulate the educational system.

This tendency is something that has happened throughout history and that has not been able to break with the freedom that one would like. In the decade of the 60's, which could be defined as a period of massive intellectual revolution, it was denounced, protested and fought to break the educational system that led to the creation of automatons that only served through the acquisition of knowledge to serve the interests of large governments and companies.

This is not rooted in a political-social functioning of any specific side. This practice can be seen and analyzed in right-wing, left-wing, extremist and even religious tendencies. Hence, it became a general and unnoticed process for the majority of humanity.

Breaking this pattern makes people who do so become execrerated from the system. However, it has been possible to take advantage of this situation by being able to manipulate the acquisition of independent knowledge for the profit of a privileged group.

As an ironic part of this situation, this education that leads to the acquisition of knowledge, has achieved technological and scientific advances that lead to the achievement of creating machines that will replace human beings in various fields of human development.

Under the premise of seeking a better and more stable future for humanity. Education has led the human being to achieve self-displacement by machines that do the work of the being. This in the end is a dangerous act that is driven by the education received by each one of us.

You wake up, you go to work, you complete your workday, you return home. An education received that leads you to turn the being into a machine at the service of great interests. The educational alternative that could lead to people's entrepreneurship is attacked and many times erased from general thought. Many times this is shown as a waste of time and effort that will not lead to anything productive for those who dare to travel this alternative path.

The current educational machinery is designed so that the individual advances within the interests demanded by the powerful for the development of their plans or enterprises. Therefore, the alternatives are not a viable path for those who intend to use them.

In my humble conclusion, people are educated to become machines that pretend to be human and with this education humans create machines that pretend to be human. Irony of life?

Till the next...

If you want to know me a little more visit my presentation publication in Steem through this link

Thanks to @josevas217 and @projecthope for letting me participate in this community.


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Hi @theatrorve friend, what you say is very strong but it is totally true:

In my humble conclusion, people are educated to become machines that pretend to be human and with this education humans create machines that pretend to be human

And in this regard, I think that we are living in times where individuals have to undertake based on what they know or have learned, shedding the "old straitjacket" offered by large corporations in exchange for a "good job", the pandemic forced many to get ahead on their own, in Venezuela we can explore much of this today.

I really liked your participation.

Saludos @tocho2

Que bien que te alla gustado mi participación. es agradable saber que alguien le pareció bien lo que uno crea.

Hace pocos dias me comunicaba, vía messenger facebook, con algunos amigos y tratábamos el tema de la pandemia y lo que a logrado transformar a la humanidad, o una parte de ella.

Muchos me criticaron cuando les comente que la pandemia había sacado un lado positivo para muchas personas y que acá en el país ese hecho junto al desastre económico que vivimos nos a hecho crear alternativas para subsistir.

Hay una cantidad de emprendedores que antes no hubiese aparecido. trabajadores independientes que logran más que un trabajo con sueldo fijo y así una gran cantidad de personas que han creados otras alternativas.ç

Me podria incluir con mi huerto el cual me llevó a ahorrar algo de dinero al no comprar ciertas hortalizas al precio que la vendían en la calle.

No se.... al final creo que siempre hay un lado positivo hasta en las etapas negativas de la vida.

Gracias por leerme.

Hasta la proxima...

Claro que me gustó tu participación.

Y a lo que comentas ahora, agrego que es una gran facultad y virtud del Venezolano, sobrevivir a la devacle porque no nos cruzamos de brazos, subsistimos a las adversidades porque no somos ciudadanos flojos, creamos oportunidades en medio de los problemas con lo positivo y negativo que esto pueda traer en su momento, pero si llega el fin del mundo, el venezolano no se extingue tan fácilmente..!

Un abrazo amigo..!

Hello @theatrorve
Thank you for this good entry.
This is a topic that is little discussed, but many of us know that it is a reality.
This tendency to educate for a particularity and not for the personal was consolidated in the industrial revolution. It is impressive how this was achieved, but in general the economic power moves everything, it buys states, and by buying states it surely buys universities.
It's a complex issue, and you've approached it with a great deal of focus.

Gracias por las palabras de apoyo.

Su desde la era industrial esta esta tendencia educativa robótica a beneficio de quienes tienen el poder.

Pink Floyd en los años 60 y 70 dieron un golpe de protesta a través de sus canciones y sobre todo con el disco The Wall. E

En la película de este disco se muestra una escena donde un maestro tritura en una maquina de moler carne a niños escolares. Una protesta al sistema educativo ingles de la época.

Claro fue fácil desestimar esta protesta atacando a quienes la hacían tachando de vagos drogadictos. Y les funciono. Al final todos estan dentro de la maquina educativa robotica.

Gracias por leer mi piblicacion.

Hasta la proxima...

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