The importance of social media in marketing

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Before you think of starting up a business or embarking on anything related to trading, you should take the marketing part of it very serious. If you want to know how impacting an advert is, switch on your television, you will see that there is one or two company advertising their product to the society day in day out. This is what at times drives their product to an apex height. I remember when #Indomie instant #noodles came out into my country, they started with #advertisement. You just need to see how the #advert is meaningful. Only the advertisement alone will capture your 💓 heart. Now this is the trick they apply, they make sure that they target the #noodles to #children. They were fully aware that if they target the #children, they will be able to get the attention of their #parent easily.

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Now they keep on rolling out different targeted #Indomie advert. By so doing, they children fell in love with #Indomie. They force their parent to take a look at it. Gradually, mom and dad begin to have interest. Now the whole family loves #Indomie. This was possible with the aid of a #social media and the #advertising technique involved.

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Let me use this opportunity to let you guys knows that it is not just to start business and start advertising it. You need to dish out a very powerful advertisement presentation. The message the advert is trying to pass out have to be top notch. You have to make sure that people will fall in love with it. Don't just advert, make it captivating and unique. There is this #Airtel (tele comunication company) advert that I watched, I was so bithered. I struggled to know that it was an Airtel advert when the last part was shown. They were busy showing people eating food and repairing cars. If I may ask, how does that relates to #Airtel. Maybe they are doing this because they have money.

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If you know you are upcoming, never do like what #Airtel did above. Always come out with a mind blowing advert which will help to get attention to your business. To round it all, endeavor to make it short and spicy. This will help to see your business drawing huge traffic.

What is Social Media?

Social media refers to websites and applications that are designed to allow people to share content quickly, efficiently, and in real-time. Many people define social media as apps on their smartphone or tablet, but the truth is, this communication tool started with computers. This misconception stems from the fact that most social media users access their tools via apps.

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The ability to share photos, opinions, events, etc in real-time has transformed the way we live and, also, the way we do business. Retailers who use social media as an integral part of their marketing strategy will end up seeing measurable results. From my point of view, the key to successful social media is to not treat it as an extra appendage but to treat it with the same care, respect, and attention you do all of your marketing efforts.

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Type of Social Media platform to promote your business on

They are numerous social media platform that you can promote your business on. We have #facebook, #whatapp, #telegram, #twitter, #instagram, #medium, #youtube, #uptrennd, #tittok etc. You have to choose the one you prefer or go with all. When using those medium, make sure you have wide knowledge of it. Like for #facebook, all you have to do is to use the money you have to promote your business. After that, leave the rest work for #facebook, they will help to #catapult it to the audience you need. Their advert is just top notch, they will direct it to those who needs it.

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#Whatapp is so simple. You can use your #personal account or the business account. If you choose the personal account, just make sure you have lots of friends who can view your status. If that is in place, you can now start uploading your business on your status bar.

If you don't want to use your personal account, why not use the #business account. This will promote your business more better as #whatapp will ensure that your advert generates the needed traffic. They will endeavor to make it a targeted advert too.

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#Youtube on the other hand is one platform that I love very much. It gives your advert a video boost. People will be able to see what they are hearing. They will be able to understand the concept of the advert very well. I really love promoting through this medium. The good thing about this platform is that you can promote your advert without money.

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#twitter: Promoting your business here will take it to the apex height. There is a fee involve. But if you want to use a social medium that is 79% effective, make use o twitter. You will definitely not regret it.

#Instagram: This app is working almost like #twitter. Once you have account there, you can use it to promote your advert to a larger audience.

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#Telegram: This is a wonderful social media. You just have to create your group and add members to it. When you have gotten the needed members you need, you can now proceed by talking about your business.

#Tiktok: Of recent, this social media platform came on board. Lots of person were jumping into it as it gains more ground. If you use this to promote your business, it will hit zenith. Giving it a try for your business will not be a bad idea.

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From the above, we can now see that they are Social media platform that can really got our business sky rocking. Don't seat on the #fence, come on board and do wonders to your business.

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 4 years ago 

Marketing is very important in fact I think it is the most important thing, in my country for reasons of the type of government that we face practically marquetin is managed using social media and one of the most used is Instagram.

Yes, it drives economy

It is an important topic, when making or creating a business it is important to have all these recommendations in mind, to know and to know the world of the social networks, what happens is that most of the people or the common human being use them only to waste the time, to chat, to see gossip, to upload photos and videos, in short, they do not know to take advantage of it, in addition they do not know how! Many minds are programmed to waste time uploading or viewing information that does not benefit them at all, not even personally.!!

Social media helps to grow brand massively. It helps To get your business promoted to the right channel

 4 years ago 

@tipu curate

There is no business that strives by putting away the part of marketing, the age of social media is what we are in now and it is only best that we grab the opportunity fast.

@tfame3865 social media plays an important role in business now the whole business is depend on marketing.

Social media is gaining more grounds than we can stop, the faster marketers and entrepreneurs get on the moving train, the best for them.

Hello dear @tfame3865, social networks and internet media have transformed, have given you more speed and have reduced costs in everything related to digital marketing, if you have internet access you can do multiple things to promote your business.

Thanks friend, welcome to Project HOPE.

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