Solemn advice to business owners

in Project HOPE4 years ago

As a business man, one quality you should possess is that you should be open minded. Learn how to attend seminar so that you can use the wisdom impacted on you to build your business to a good stage. This will help you to be a better C.E.O in the future. One good thing about all this is that with the knowledge acquire from the numerous business training, you will be able to apply it on your business when it is been needed. Mind you, don't just listen to all information and accept or apply it to your business, learn to do what I called debreif. Sit-down and recall all what they told you. Now ask yourself if such advice will do impact on your business. Not all business advices will add positive impact to your business, some will help to crumble it to zero level. So be mindful of who you accept advices from, and be wise enough to know the rightful advices to apply to your business if truly you want your business to hit apex.

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While writing this post, I remember when me and my dad was talking and he told me story about four (4) business men who told him about their business life when himself wanted to start his business. He is the inquisitive type. He started asking just to gain knowledge before he kick start his business, while doing that these men told him different stories because he keeps seeking for more understanding.

His encounter with Mr Smart

He told me he met Mr Smart on the 19th of June, 1992. He told him his plans to go into business, so he needs advices. Mr smart told my dad that business is not what you just go into. You must have dedicated your mind fully for such race. He advices him that firstly, he must have love for what he wants to go into. He must not go into business because everybody are making money from it. He must because there is love for such field. If you go into a trade because someone or your best friends are making trillions from it, when you go into such field and start making good money from it, a day will come when you have chanllenges, you might find it hard to get out of it because you never have love for the feed you are into. So he concluded by saying that you should love the business before going into it, if you do that, you will hit apex gradually.

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His encounter with Mr Kahinde

He left Mr Smart and met Mr Kahinde, he shared same interest with him. Mr Kahinde told him that the challenges encountered from business is not easy but he should make sure he is focus and dedicated and every other things will fall in place. Dedicated and focus kills fear and lead business into zenith. He said this and concluded that this is all he can say and this is the logic he applied on his part.

His encounter with Mr Shola

My dad was now getting satisfied from the advices he has gotten so far, but as someone who loves being inquisitive, he keeps on asking not until he met Mr Shola. Mr Shola says that before thinking of venturing into business at all, he should make sure that he has love for the field he wants to venture into. This was also same words that Mr Smart also said. So they both were on the same scale.

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His encounter with Mr Philip

Mr Philip the last person he encountered said that he should be determined and if such mindset is with him, he will conquer every chanllenges. For those that might be asking what he meant, he is trying to say that he should build positive mindset towards the business he wants to venture into. He should have zero (0) tolerance for fear and he will conquer any challenges on his part. This really triggers him and he love all the advices he came across. They all motivated him.

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From all that is said above, we can see that before venturing into any business, you should carry up the below act;

  • Have inquiry mind
  • Build positive mindset towards the business you want to venture into.

  • You should be focus and dedicated

  • You learn not to borrow before venturing into any business.

  • Go into fleasibilty study as this will help your business alot.

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  • If you love my post, feel free to comment and also support me, it will help to get me motivated.
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Special Thanks to the @crypto.piotr (Founder) and the entire team for keeping the engagement high.



Here's the quick list so you can add it to your notes!
1 Work on yourself
2 act despite fear
3 work hard
4 persevere
5 focus
6 learn from failure
7 define your circle of competence
8 always bring your A game
9 make the time
10 Be hardcore
11 be driven to succeed
12 ask great questions
13 get out of your comfort zone
14 step precociously
15 change yourself
16 always be a student
17 believe
18 get out of loserville
19 take action
20 dont quit

Hello @tfame3865, I liked your post, it is a very nice story and leave a reflection on the principles that a person should have before starting any business, certainly having passion for what you plan to undertake is the right thing, so you always do it with enthusiasm, On the other hand, educating yourself about what you plan to do is the right thing to get some knowledge that will allow you to be more efficient in the area and, ultimately, dedication and discipline, all the tips I loved, thank you for sharing them in a very original way, See you later, buddy!

I am very grateful you love the post. It is good to get yourself educate, attend seminars it will help you alot.

It's valuable advice you mention
Being focused allows us to follow and seek that goal that we have set for ourselves, to love or like what we are doing is part of what will allow us the difficult times, otherwise, it is something that would easily tire us out and we could abandon it, but when there is passion in what is being done, it is always worth the effort.

Yes, love your feed and all other things will fall into place.

Having a mind that can think critically as well as is open for all positive thoughts, and all these experiences, and the post itself possesses great qualities.
I liked your post a lot❤

Thanks for the war comment.

Being an open-minded person is essential to our business, and I believe it can also give us many benefits in our personal lives. Excellent advice my friend!

Yes, we should be open minded. It is one of the best way to deal with business

There is no amount of knowledge that can be quantified as being enough at any point in the journey of a business man, we should keep learning and we should keep advancing in knowledge and skills.

Yes, keep learning all the time

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