Never over estimate the power of airdrop

in Project HOPE4 years ago

I have been trying to write about this post for long now but when ever I make the attempt to do so, something else will just take over my attention. With the way things are going, it is looking as if March will be looking green. We already started this month on a greener note. This is interesting as it can boost our morals.

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If you have been into cryptocurrency for long, you might as well come over one or two airdrop, and from research, we can see that airdrop has really changed lives of people. This is the more reason I love cryptocurrency. With zero fee you can turn your fortune around. I remember back then in 2018 when I was into steemit, the now called hive. The thing that really interest me was that as at then, it is not mandatory to buy the token. With zero (0) token you can make a lot of money by just blogging about anything you like. Back then when I was doing seminars, I have a lot of people who were thinking it is a ponzi scheme but I shocked them by telling them they don't need to invest any fee if they want to start. They were shocked and blown away when they hear about this. This is my selling point to drive people into embracing the chain.

Some of them give it a try and today they are doing fine with the chain. Things are working fine as they now understand and enjoys the fruit of not doubting. You can see the beauty of cryptocurrency and how it is endless. When you key in into cryptocurrency you will see that there is so many things to benefit from the chain. It is like a win win situation unless maybe you bought their token (which at time is not mandatory) and things went the other way round.

To those who are still new to blockchain, let me define airdrop for you.

What is Airdrop?

Airdrop can be defined as the process whereby new project send out their coins to those who partake in their quest in other to help get their project to gain more popularity or visibility. If you want your project to get known by lots of individuals you have to make sure you draw attention to it. This can requires you gifting money to different individuals or carrying out different task depending on how you want it. To explain it further, take for instant if you are new in business and you want to capture customers attention, you will need to make sure you deploy some strategies that will see you achieving that. For example you can make your product cheaper in a way it won't affect your business and also learn to be friendly to customers. This will help to see your business getting more attention.

The above is simply how airdrop works. You carry out a task and along the line share your token to those who passes your task. With this your token will gain a lot of visibility. While doing this a lot of the project give out their token freely and this token ends up growing big that it changes a lot of person's life. Sometimes some of the token do the otherwise. Don't expect it to rise always, put it that anything can happen along the line but since you get it freely that shouldn't bother you.

So painful I took airdrop so serious some months back after a friend talked me into giving it a try and since Uniswap does the magic. I was surprised how a lot of peeps made a lot of money from this airdrop so I rushed down to give it a try and I must confess I am glad keying into it. The Defi madness has really boast some airdropped coin into some amazing money. I remember I did Chonk finance airdrop and the coin did amazingly well. Veryniffty is another NFt project that took us by surprise. After giving me the NFT for free, I started playing the game and after some months the coin rose from less than a dollar to over $70. Is this not amazing? Funny enough, back then I was getting a lot of this before the game end. Imagine earning 15 muse daily and it is now $70 per 1. Just imagine how much you will be making daily from this amazing game, isn't this amazing? This is money.



They are countless airdropped coin I can't just speak about. Some did well and changes some person's life while some did the otherwise. After missing out on Uniswap airdrop, I finally benefitted from SDT airdrop and it rose to almost $2100. Once again, this was given to me freely. This is just the beauty of cryptocurrency and airdrop. There is this group I am into, almost everybody there are always hunting for airdrop and many there are millionaires. They made more than $30000 from free airdrop. This shows that you should never over estimate the power of airdrop, it can change your life.

I am still doing different airdrop and I am still expecting it to change my life for good, I believe gradually things will change.


For those of you who have missed out on one or two airdrop or those who sold their airdropped coin and it rises after that, don't feel bad. There is more opportunities ahead.

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Special Thanks to the @crypto.piotr (Founder) and the entire team for keeping the engagement high.


That is so true :) I missed out on all the big airdrops you mentioned here and others, but it is still amazing the opportunities you can have, simply by staying alert and doing some registration work for different airdrops! Wish you big success in the future with this as well, and if you see something worth trying, let us know about it! :)

More opportunities awaits us

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