Driving the cryptocurrency ecosystem forward relies in our collective effortsteemCreated with Sketch.

in Project HOPElast year

We all should knows that when you are referring to the cryptocurrency ecosystem and the blockchain at large we all should knows that collective effort is all that is needed of us to be able to push the cryptocurrency ecosystem and the blockchain at large into the apex height that we wanted. If we continue to be divided there is no way that we will be able to push this ecosystem to what we wanted. Ever since the cryptocurrency ecosystem and the blockchain at large was launched by the great Nakamoto Satoshi, we have seen that love is power, it has pushed this beautiful space or ecosystem into a progressive state. Assuming we are divided, we won't have been able to get to this stage and state that we have attained. I am seeing some person's doing as if they owns the entire blockchain, they do anything that pleases them just like what I am trying to say, as per the message that I am trying to convey, what the cryptocurrency ecosystem and the blockchain at large wanted and needed is collective effort which I will other wise say team work and effort. It is needed to drive the cryptocurrency ecosystem and the blockchain at large to the stage and state that we wanted.

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We all knows that since the absence of the great Nakamoto Satoshi, we all knows that cryptocurrency won't have been successful without me and you working together. You should knows that we all are useful in the cryptocurrency ecosystem and the blockchain at large through different means. You can be good in a particular field while I am good in another field, this will help us in so many ways. I will contribute my quarter and you will also contribute your quarter, things like this will ended up pushing the cryptocurrency ecosystem and the blockchain at large to the stage that we wanted. If you take a proper look at the cryptocurrency ecosystem and the blockchain at large you will see that the decentralised nature of it has helped us to attain a more faster goal. Because it is decentralized people were able to contribute different project through different means to the cryptocurrency blockchain. Assuming it is centralized, it might have not gotten to this stage and state.This is why I am happy that the great Nakamoto Satoshi was able to birth the cryptocurrency ecosystem and the blockchain at large into a decentralised state. He is not just the greedy type at all.

By collective effort we all should knows that what we all are needing is seeing us coming together and making sure that we are impacting the cryptocurrency ecosystem and the blockchain at large in a positive way deep down no matter what. If we are able to cover our dirty linen outside many people will be happy to key into our ecosystem. Aside the covering of our dirty linen outside we should endeavour to let people knows that the cryptocurrency ecosystem and the blockchain at large is an ecosystem where whatsoever talent you have is welcomed. We are open to all field of life, this is a selling point that can help to push the cryptocurrency ecosystem and the blockchain at large to more ears.

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driving the cryptocurrency ecosystem relies in our collective effort

The message has already been spread out, we all should knows that driving the cryptocurrency ecosystem and the blockchain at large relies in our collective effort. We all knows that 1 + 1 is 2, no wonder they said that two good head is better than 1. If we keep working together in the cryptocurrency ecosystem and the blockchain at large achieving greater goals will be easier when being compared to walking alone. No matter my team slogan, Liverpool fc says that we will never walk alone. As far as the cryptocurrency ecosystem and the blockchain at large is correct, for us to scale we need to be in unity and in togetherness. We all should learn to know that a divided house can never achieve greatness, but unity can conquer anywhere. With what I have said above, we should stop hating on one another, the cryptocurrency ecosystem and the blockchain at large doesn't needs it, working together is what can eventually do to make us achieved greatness.

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I will end the post here, have a nice day.


I have already heard this on several occasions, and as I continue to learn how the blockchain works, I confirm that the cryptocurrency ecosystem certainly depends on our collective effort as the only way to promote it.

i agree with you. Everyone needs to bring their A-game to the table to ensure that this space is safe enough to attract new investors and also bring an influx of new adopters

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