Don't be carried away by December celebration - Save for January: Business mindset

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Good day pals, I have really missed blogging. A lot things is really weighing me down but I believe gradually I will get over it.

I will be speaking about my country because I don't know about other countries. The rate at which this Christmas is been painted is something else. I noticed something that almost every year, there is something that trend. This happens almost every December. This year, for the ladies, I am seeing bone straight her. When I asked the price, I was told that it is worth over $90 - $800 depending on quality and the length.



Because of how this female trait want to prove to others that they are big girls, you will see them putting such hair on their head without having savings of even $1. This is the level of how hypocrite this female trait are. It is good to buy things that you like but when shopping for something with no value, it is better you have savings in place. This is why some of those girls fails. They have no savings in place, instead they are busy showing off and competing against each others.

I noticed that when it is January, you will see a lot of people complaining about being broke. I was wondering what the issue is. This prompt me into researching about the possible issue. I discovered along the line that the issue was as a result of excessive spending with no savings or investment in place.

To back up the above claim, I met with with some government workers and I ask them while they heavily complain about being broke after December. The man explained how their salary is being paid. He said during the month of December, the government will pay them their salary during on the 15th -22nd of December. On a normal month, salary is suppose to be paid during the end of the month but because it is a festive seaaon, salary is paid quickly. Since the salary is been paid quickly, you will see people spending it just to meet up with their festive period bills. The bills in this month is always outrageous so this is a big issue to deal with.

While spending it, you will see them not investing their money for future challenges or saving it just to meet up with January expenses. So when January expenses comes, you will see them looking confused as they end up begging or borrowing from those who put their money into good use.



I met an entrepreneur and I asked him how he manage to deal with December and January expenses. He laughed and said bro, I am a business man and all that I think is purely business. It is through my business that I am able to take care of needs. How I tackle bills is that I make sure that I write out my budget and spend along with it. I maintain a principle that gives me the privilege to work with my budget. Anything that makes me to spend above it, I caught it off. I make sure I discipline myself by making sure that I save and invest on what will yield return for me in a short while. This is to help me deal with January needs. I don't fool along the line because of December needs, I save for the raining days he added.

While some are wise and busy saving for the raining days, some are still fooling around thinking of how they are going to be the finest human on that day. This set of individuals will at the end call their friends who invested their money evil because they refuse to lend them help during the month of January when things are hard. If you are wise, I am using this post medium to let you guys knows that while thinking of how to spend money lavishly during the month of December, you should think of how to save for January so that you won't be found begging for money or running into debt.




To wrap up this post, make sure you set some money aside for January so that you won't found your self lacking financially.

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Hello friend, you are very right in these times people waste a lot of money, I think it is time to take conscience and invest in what is really important. December is a very beautiful time of year for me, but we must be realistic with our expenses and income. We can't spend more than our allowance. Greetings!

Greetings @tfame3865.
Actually you are right in this time we use to spend money and sometimes we spend even the money we don't have, that is, we get into debt, it is important your recommendation thank you for sharing it with all of us. Successes.

Hi @tfame3865
People are more about habits than anything else. This December, in spite of the difficulties of the year, and the fact that people are probably in a very bad economic condition, I'm sure they'll still want to wear new clothes, shoes, and all that. And in January they will be in the same bad condition as every year.

Very true said , we need to keep our money safe as of now because we have not seen future what will be coming this save money we can use in emergency.

January is always a month of people being completely broke and without money because of how they spent lavishly in the previous year, we have to be different and choose wise spending over lavishness this year.

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