An unwanted plant in the company : Weeding the bad eggs out

in Project HOPE4 years ago

I read a post by @oluwatobiloba, who talks about the presence of bad eggs in a company. This post triggers me into writing mine. If you follow how things operate in life, you will notice that the only person you can trust in life is you. The moment you own a company and start employing workers, just be prepared for battle as there is every tendency that you will surely employ somebody along the line who will surely be a bad egg/influence. Immediately such toxic person is in the business line, be prepared for battle as that might be the end of your business.



As a business man, you don't make employment and feel relax. You don't trust your business into the hands of individuals, they will surely help to run it down. I have seen businesses that got crippled from entrusting it into the hands of private individuals or party that you never trust. In fact, you should keep a closer look at your employee before you even think of giving them a bigger role in your company.

As a good CEO, you should make sure that you pay attention to your business all the time. Take for instant, you can pay surprise visit, ask one or two person about the other workers, and have an eye (a person who will give you report at any given time) who will feed you with report. Now your eye can be a bad influnce too in the company, that is why you should never in any way give decisions base on the report this person gives you.

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Who is an unwanted egg

We might have come across what an unwanted plant is. By unwanted we mean something that is not wanted. So in the business surrounding, we can define #weeding as an act of removing bad eggs from your company. The unwanted bad influence in the company are the people who are after killing your business. Theybinvolve in different bad deals just to get the business crippled. Some of the bad things they do is to try bad mouth others so the CEO can got that person sacked. They also engage in shady deals and fruadulent activities.

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What unwanted influence do in your company

i. They cause confusion between workers in the company: Do you know such type of people pretend to be the nicest set of humans in the company. You will think they are helping out but they are out there killing your business. They end up collecting information from Mr A and Mr B, then they end up adding theirs and using it against both parties. This both party ends up quarreling and enemity starts in the company. We all know that such act kills companies faster.

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ii. They run illegal deals and lable it on another person if being caught. Because of their good looking natural simple look, you will never thought they can engage in such act. They run illegal deals because they want to cripple your business. They can sell your product very cheap and if being caught, they will label it on someone else.

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iii. They are very close to the CEO. Since their intention is to kill the company, they will first of all go after the head. They will make sure that they are very close to the CEO so as to get backings from the business owner. Once they are close, they will start to keep feeding the CEO with negative information about other workers. If you are that CEO that gives listening ears to such issues, be prepared to get your business crashing.

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How to spot a bad influnece/bad egg

As the CEO of your company, have it on the back of your mind that it is your sole responsibility to grow your business to an apex height. Entrusting it into the hands of private individuals is just trying to kill it properly. The below strategies will help to spot a bad influencer in your company.

i. Carry out your underground research: Don't be lazy to use others people words to make decisions. Apply the King Solomon's strategy. Make sure you make your underground research to ascertain that the information given to you are true. Don't just rush into decision making. A good CEO should not be fast to act. Take your time and get the necessary things done.

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ii. Be a spy: A good CEO should be a spy too. You should be very observant and take time to study your workers. With this act, if somebody is telling you something bad about Mr A, you will know within you that Mr A is not like that. But if you notice any doubt, you can start emploring an underground medium to get him/her vindicated.

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iii. Be strict/Avoid side talk: If you are that soft type, they will easily get into you and started using you to work. Be a strict boss and they will be afraid to share you irrelevant words. Your table will be filled with toxic if you give workers the chance to do so. This is where being strict is very important. Once they know you are very strict, they will never want to visit you for such toxic words.

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How to weed them away

Immediately you spot this bad influence, don't hesitate to do justice to them. They should be humiliated with a sack letter. If you continue to act in such way, people will be afraid to be a toxic in your company.

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If your business fails tomorrow, as the CEO, knows that all the blame shall be channel on you. So is your sole responsibility to make sure you weed out bad eggs from your business so as not to be pointed with a bad finger tomorrow. Don't give bad eggs the chance to toil with your business, the sack letter is not just there, use it effectively.

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Special Thanks to the @crypto.piotr (Founder) and the entire team for keeping the engagement high.



Leaving an infant business in the hands of employees without proper monitoring will wreck the business eventually.

Yes for sure it will got it wrecked

@tfame3865 as per my knowledge every company has lazy and useless workers we just need to keep a check on those other wise they will become dangerous for our business and can make huge loss to us.

These types of people will always exist, especially in the workplace, people who are envious and have never had anything in their lives always act that way, they can not tolerate others if they can achieve their dreams and objectives.

Hi @tfame3865 thanks for the reference, these bad eggs will always be present in companies but a leader needs to get rid of them as fast as he notices them.

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