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RE: Chronicles of a Failed Business (Why Businesses Fail In the First 5 Years)

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Hi @ajewa

There Are Several Factors That Cause A Business Failure

  • There is no planning
    Don't underestimate a plan. Whatever is achieved, let alone built, it requires a plan. It's okay for you to have a passionate after participating in training or business seminars and business from one successful entrepreneur.

  • Marketing is weak
    At the beginning of the business, indeed we still have enough capital. Producing goods that will be sold as much as possible is sometimes fun because it hopes that there will be many benefits that can be achieved. However, neglect of marketing will actually make your goods dust not sell.

  • Bad management
    Apart from plans and marketing, never forget about management. Management of a business does not require you to have a background in management, accounting, business and so on. No, what you need is to record in detail at each stage of your business.

  • Uncontrolled employees
    It's nice to be a boss who has a lot of employees. But, being the boss is not your goal when you plan to build a business. Therefore, run your own business first or if it is not possible by yourself, recruit one or two employees first. Remember, recruit employees according to their duties and the number of jobs available.

  • Pulling money too fast
    Getting a lot of profit from your business is certainly very pleasant. You might always want to check balances in an account. What is in the minds of novice entrepreneurs usually want to have fun because they think they already have it all. However, this is the factor that causes your business to collapse. Not only because of the feeling of being quickly satisfied but mixing business money with personal money, using business money for personal needs too early is not the right decision. You can take advantage first but only as much as you need and make sure your business will not limp after the money is used.

Some of the factors I mentioned above often occur in the business world, and there are still many other reasons.


I like the fact that you have added these tips to further explain what i have written,especially the last part of mixing business money with personal money, that one factor has the capacity to ruin a business completely.

 4 years ago 

Seriously amazing comment buddy.

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