Finding The Right Mentor

in Project HOPE7 months ago

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There's something very powerful about the mentor and mentee relationship, that causes there to be a transfer of understanding to the mentee - of concepts that could even hardly be explicable in words.

And that's why in most mentor and mentee relationship, the mentee learns a lot more from the nonverbal cues, than from the words said by the mentor. This is why there's so much potential to learn when you find the right mentor.

Signs that can help you know that you've found the right mentor, is the fact that you admire them so much, and really want to be like them. This admiration is what creates a unique spark in the mentor and mentee relationship - because you're opened to learning from them.

The wrong mentor is easy to know, when you feel angry with him always, and wish to get rid of him. And you wish never to have anything to do with him ever again. In most cases, these wrong mentors weren't of your choosing, but perhaps of your parents or guardians.

There's need to be careful when finding a mentor, because you quickly internalize all their qualities - both the good and bad ones. Hence, find someone who isn't only skilled at what you want to learn; but someone who has good character that you want to emulate.


Finding a mentor is important but finding the right one is even more important. Getting the wrong mentor will completely disorientate everything you have going on with you in the first instanc.

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