in Project HOPE3 years ago

Cover image by @sidalim88, using public domain image.. Source:

Greetings my dear readers who remain in this recognized platform of @ProjectHOPE, a few days ago someone who has been of great importance in my spiritual life told me that we must put a title to things and thus I want to give a name to this writing, for me this year 2022 is a YEAR OF GREAT BLESSINGS and based on this premise I want to present my purposes to achieve.

Therefore my first step is to start by writing down my goals, because if I only have them in my mind I may forget them, but if I write them down I will have them present at all times and it will be much easier to pursue them. I am not characterized by being an organized person in my life but a few months ago I had the pleasure of taking a leadership workshop in which they said that if you want to achieve something in your life you must start by making a plan and taking into account what I learned I will take that initiative..

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1. Strengthen my faith in Jesus Christ: this is the first goal I want to pursue in this new year 2022 and for this I am going to start from a Bible verse that says:
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
If I have God in my heart I will have everything in life, because he will fill my emptiness and will cover all my basic needs such as food, clothing, shoes, medicines and will also allow me to give me satisfaction from time to time in union with my family.

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In the same way I want to be an active member in the church where I congregate and with this I seek to share with those who need a word from God, to give a hand to those who need it and to carry out some social activities that motivate people to seek God.

2. To stabilize myself economically: to reach an economic stability is a difficult task here in my country Venezuela, but I have the firm certainty in God that nothing is impossible for Him and if I work hand in hand with a good organization and elaborating an effective action plan I will be able to reach this purpose.

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I want to be able to have an independent economy where I can have my own time and work schedule, so that I can help my husband with the household expenses, without having to neglect my family.

In order to achieve this goal, I am looking to keep my job within the platform, to be able to set up a small alternative business of certain products and articles that will surely be a success.

3. Start an exercise and healthy living plan: this has been one of the resolutions that may have been part of my list of goals to achieve over the years, but I have never kept it. Well, my goal this year is to stay firm in the exercise routine that I just started this week. Because of this routine will depend on my health care to be able to seek and achieve my other goals.

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4. Finish some home repairs: since almost 4 years ago we moved to our house and with it we started some repairs that are on hold, so this year one of my goals is to finish those repairs and start others and to be able to complete them as well, besides buying some items to finish organizing our home.

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5. Take a family trip: not everything in life has to be work and more work, we also have to give us some time to share and recreation and what greater enjoyment than to do it with the people you love the most, because we urgently need a family trip where we can de-stress and disconnect a little of the obligations and responsibilities of daily life. Undoubtedly this is something that we urgently need and I know that in this new beginning we are going to do it.

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To be able to see your goals materialize is a great blessing and at this moment I put my worries and my purposes in God's hands and I know that with his mercy these 5 goals and something more I will achieve in this new year 2022.

And you, my dear readers, have already made your wish list for this promising year. I look forward to reading your comments in the corresponding section.


Reina Valera. 1960. Bible Societies in Latin America, 1960. Source:


Hello @sidalim88!
Thanks for sharing your plans for this year. It is very important that as a first point you have God in your life, when we mentalize what we want to achieve with effort, dedication and confidence can be realized in our lives. Best wishes for you and your family this year, success.

Definitely one of the best plans and purposes is the first point that is the basis of everything, where you place your faith, what you are and what you want to be God, the rest will be added according to what you need.
Thank you for sharing this plan and your goals.
Happy New Year and Dtb

First of all I like the second point of yours to stabilize yourself financially this is the most important points in life.

If you do this or can achive this you will definitely achieve all the others and make your family happy.

Greetings @sidalim88.
They are beautiful desires that you have in your heart and I hope you can fulfill them and in advance you can share some of them with us hehehehehehehe. Of course without the presence of God I firmly believe that none of them will be achieved. Thank you for being able to share this publication with everyone, I wish you the best of success in this new year 2022.

Hi @sidalim88
Happy New Year!
Excellent plans for this year that starts, encourage! sure you will achieve it with success.
Have a great day!

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