in Project HOPE4 years ago




To participate the survey mail me via [email protected]


It will be ironic with the title but I want to share. Guess who prepared a video for Project Hope then realized video contents are not allowed to share?

Hey Project Hope member!

Would you like to be a part of academical research?

I am a Psychologist from Istanbul/TURKEY

Almost for a year Saygın Psychology voluntarily consulting
bankrupted traders who are traumatized.

During this time we observed and collected datas.

The datas basicly includes differences between traditional
trading and crypto trading.

1) I have shared a summary of theraphy sessions below. Of
course I asked for permission. Maybe you find some commen points with sample

2) I have 20 questions survey. For healthy results it is
important to collect datas as much as possible.

For the ones who want to join here is my e-mail address:
[email protected]

Because of the reason that we can not share doc. files in
Steem, when you send a mail I will share the survey immediately.

-You don't have to indicate your name or any other personal

-In fact, survey designed for general answers as target.

-To be honest, it took so long to complete previous steps of
the research. The reason is covid of course. However, the results seems to be
much more clear than my foresight.

As I mentioned above, we are volunteers. Little curiosity,
some helping instinct drove our path until now.

I am conducting an academic research on crypto trading that many
people have just met and do not take into account possible harms by imagining
possible benefits.

Easy way to gain money, easy way to lost years.

From the early 90's till today Daniel Golemann emphasize the
importance of Emotional Intelligence.

On the other hand behavioral, educational and cognitive
branches of Psychology department eclecticly highlight the operant
conditioning's(learning) importance. Both desired or undesired habits and
behaviours or even thinking tendencies can be changed by learning mechanism.

What happens when you can't control your emotions?

What is the meaning of controlling emotions?

Dear members of Project Hope shame is one of the most
intense emotions. Shame can lead you to learn undesired behavioral patterns.

Here is the summary of my theraphy sessions with a middle
aged woman who bankrupted all her assets in trade markets.

Client Profile:

Name: Mrs. T.


Gender: Female

Summary: Last year consulted for psychological help.

Lost all of her assets, houses and a sum of money, in
cryptocurrency trading markets.

A fully educated woman, speaks 3 languages, intelligent but
lost all her assets.


Upon this trauma, broken family relations was the last

She applied to me.

The first sentences that she said, froze my blood.

''I would hang myself if I hadn't come to you, so here I am.

Have you ever searched for a reason to live.

Searching a reason to live is pathetic.

Finding not a single reason is miserable.''

I apologize if I darkened you, but I consider this topic important.

Here is a tired and excited psychologist drawing to neutralize you.

WhatsApp Image 2021-01-12 at 15.17.35.jpeg

Mrs. T. as I mentioned lost each and every penny. Took
credits from every possible bank and lost all of her friends until there were
no one to lend her some cash.

Not at the beginning weeks but later, in one session,
suddenly and without any reason she said “All my fear was to be seen in this
position. What would I do if somebody saw? What a shame? There is no eyes looking at me now.”

Later, I voluntarily worked as a psychologist for similar
profiles. There were much more bankrupted people than I thought.

I met educated, wealthy and once happy people like Mrs. T.

After weeks of theraphy sessions, I and 3 colleague of mine
decided that there was something more than a mistake.

There was some patterns of behavioral problems.

In addition: lack of emotional intelligence was outshining

There were not any learning problem.

There were not any pathological disability.

''Information'' itself was never learned.

1) Lack of knowledge turns into mistakes.

2) Mistakes turn into losing the emotional control.

So a repetitive cycle begins.

Let me explaine.

We learn  many things by observing environment.

Including money.

For example what does $ 100 mean to you?

$ 100 = one hundred bars of chocolate for a little child?

$ 100 = one working day?

$ 100 = one working month? Is it possible for a reffugee?

$ 100 can mean much more labor or violence in countries with
a high exchange rate difference.


In the modern sense, money was first used by the Lydians in
the 7th century BC.

The Lydians and almost all societies that followed later
worked, and fought and paid what ever the price is... To reach money.

Worked for money: Safe way but you hire your body and mind
to your chief or other othority.

Fought for money: More easy to reach desired ammount. If
someone does not dig you with a knife from behind, you can spend it. You see
the risk. Calculate it.

Now, working mecanism approximately  same with before. With capitalism’s developed
benefit strategies.

For ex: I am an industrial psychologist. If I work in a
ordinary positon I was filling the empty papers with some company details.

Developed companies using Endustrial Psychologists to make
maximum  profit from the labor.

Also optimum conditions for labor. (to maximize the profit again)

Just like 27 centuries ago, needs have spawned evolution

There is still a fight, in a different form.

We are faced with the most developed form of money after 27

It's a revolution.

It's an evolution.

Both need an adaptation.

Yes I am talking about cryptocurrencies.

Without adapting circumstances safe will win soon or later.


Stock exchanges are trade portals where people with limited
resources but unlimited demands TARGETING other people's resources.

We simply call it trade.

There are hundreds of studies on trading behaviors.

You can even learn trading from your family.

Your observations and life experiences maybe enough to succeed in the traditional trading modelor at least not to fail!

Natural selection put an  obstackle in front of us which we can not pass without fully performing brain.

We would not be exaggerating if we say that it is perhaps 100x more profitable and also 100x more dangerous than traditional exchanges for crypto money trading.

100x did it remind you something?

100x waiting over there for your most unbalanced moment emotionally. Mrs. T. took credits from banks to put it on a leverage.

Above somewhere I emphasized the emotion of ''shame''.  Shame keeps us to seek for help instead of that shame directs us to behave like we never behaved before.

Shame is a 5 letter name for some amount of hormones and some electiricity for action potencial.

Mrs. T. traded without learning at the beginning of the story.

As I associated above, fight turned into this form.

The good news is there are guiding researches from thousands of researchers.

They explored the personality traits, attitudes and reactions which most prone to commercial success.

My hypothesis argues that although traditional trade, online marketing and crypto trading are very similar, they differ in many ways.

For example religions and beliefs has effects on buying habit. Here they sell a plate with a religious writing.

Product  analysis :

aesthetic: maybe

usability: none

price: high

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This buying type is conservative buying. It is not a political classification. For the one who has conservative buying habit it is possible to see repeated profit.

Also it is possible to see bankrupt in few repeated  position.

I believe the trading markets represents natural selection. This is not written in the article of course. I was reading Baudrillard earlier today. Unless I will add a title ''reality''.

Without a disciplined tactical movements, cryptotrading is not different from Gambler’s Delusion.

Have you ever increased your leverage in future trading after loosing some amount of your money? This question's answer gives us a clue.

How often do you repeat this action? This question's answer gives us a conclusion.

Is this a Trade or Gamble?

As a psychologist, I wanted to investigate the factors which can put a happy woman Mrs. T. into this position.

As a human being, I pursue the question "How can I help individuals like Mrs. T. more effectively?"

We wanted to contribute something to the universe. So here we are.

Thanks to Mr. Piotr for his supportive and encouraging approach.

Aim of ''helping people'' is the occasion for us to meet.

Mrs. T. is better now.         

I asked for her permission to share her story.

I mentioned Project Hope to Mrs. T.

I got her approval. She sent her love and greetings to you.

I will be waiting for your mail to participate research.

Thank You All

For further questions:

[email protected]


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