in Project HOPE3 years ago

Some cutting edge technologies inspires such mystery and excitement as quantum computing!!!


What is quantum computing??

A quantum computer is
a new type of computer being developed that uses instead of a normal processor a special quantum processor that operates using principles of quantum mechanics a classical computer.

Whether it be an Android or a laptop
uses bits as its fundamental language of information bits are the ones and zeros.
Quantum computers don't use bits instead they use what are called qubits which is like a regular bit but with a quantum spin.
So what are these new machines good for what do they do exactly as it turns out quantum computers have a vast advantage over classical computers.



When it comes to specific operations so vast in fact that scientists often talk about the processing advantage of quantum computers in terms of exponential superiority and we'll see just how extravagant the benefits get in this installment of super freaky science.


When considering quantum computers it's important to note that we shouldn't just think of them as really super fast computers while these computing marvels can exponentially outperform classical
computers as of now it is only in
computing very specific types of
operations and one of those operations is quantum simulation a huge deterrent.


in studying quantum mechanics for
scientists is the inability of current computers to simulate what's happening in the quantum universe
unlike simulating events and conditions on the macro level quantum mechanics on a classical computer just doesn't compute this is something very exciting
about quantum computers since there are already operating in the quantum world fundamentally they have the ability to do quantum simulation researchers are extremely excited about the prospect of being able to accurately simulate circumstances of quantum mechanics and they think this will lead to incredible breakthroughs and understanding what is happening and ever so mysterious quantum universe.


Today's digital internet scoop our
entire lives are online and the thing that keeps our info secure whether it be our credit card we're inputting on Amazon or our personal photos uploaded to the cloud everything is secured using common technique across the board encryption and public key cryptography have been proven time and time again to be a successful way to digitally secure our data and with the way these techniques work it would take a modern classical computer centuries or in some cases longer than the universe has existed to crack a single one of these cryptographic keys but in the modern world of quantum computers that's just not the case in fact a quantum algorithm called Shor's algorithm could render pretty much all modern-day cryptography
useless but don't panic there's plenty of time for the Internet to prepare by the time a quantum computer that is large enough is not only created butavailable to the public.


Shor's algorithm and quantum cryptography are both a result of a
technology employed by quantum computers called quantum search it's not exactly what you think of when you think of regular search on a computer instead of searching for an answer that already exists which modern classical computers are very very efficient at already.



Quantum search is more like searching for the correct solution out of billions and billions of possible answers.
For example, if you created a very
secure password that had upper and
lowercase letters a few numbers and
let's throw in some special characters like a dollar sign it would take the most advanced classical supercomputer about a hundred and seventy four years
to guess that password and a quantum
computer about seven seconds if it had the same processing power as the
supercomputer granted the cutting edge isn't anywhere near creating a quantum computer that big it's still worth talking about for comparison's sake in this next concoction stir together.

one part machine learning and one part quantum computing and get robots taking over the world this new field of study takes advantage of the machine learning
technology that already exists along
with quantum computers unique ability to model extremely complex scenarios classical computers manage the process while offloading the computationally difficult problems to quantum systems it's sort of a team effort with quantum and classical computers if you will experiments have already been successfully done where these systems teach themselves to recognize cars within images they're shown not great news for these guys development is continuing as bigger and bigger quantum computers are being created when implemented quantum computers would
provide a serious fast lane to machine learning technology and the robots will be knocking on our doors
and biology the ability to simulate
large complex molecules is a major
bottleneck in regular computers of today.


Quantum computing changes that with the ability to simulate large complex molecules scientists can create all kinds of environments within the simulation to better test drugs and their effects on our body and health researchers are also experimenting with using machine learning implementations on quantum computers to better understand how DNA transcription and protein formation lead to certain diseases and thus how those diseases might be prevented macroeconomics and global financial markets have always been heavily dependent on cutting-edge
technology and quantum computing has
already been tapped for this difficult job modeling markets with math is no easy feat and economists and financemathematicians have had their share of challenges in the past few decades computers and algorithms have totally taken over how markets fundamentally work but where these algorithms are lacking quantum computers are being used to refine the process particularly when
it comes to pricing stock options stock options are a derivative of stocks and require complex computations to price a
stock options price correlates to the underlying stocks price but not always in the same way since there are hundreds sometimes even thousands of different options that can be bought and sold her stock prices can fluctuate and varying
ways in correlation to the underlying stocks price researchers are looking to quantum algorithms to improve this process which would in turn create a more efficient market and an efficient market where prices are as accurate as humanly possible stands to benefit the everyday investor.




Yours truly @sarkash7011


This was two years ago???!!

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