in Project HOPE4 years ago

What the law of attraction??? how it works the profound effect that it can have on your life some of the common mistakes that people use in applying it.20200722233536.jpg

Really how you can use Law of Attraction very practically to get some amazing results in your life.
Create the kind of success in the kind of fulfillment that you want all right so let's go into this.

So law of attraction this is a really deep topic but we're just going to skim the surface but it'll still be very useful for you.

Law of attraction what is it basically it's a fancy term for the following thing law of attraction the way that I define it very simply is that instead of focusing on the things that you do not want to happen in your life you shift your focus and you think about the things that you do want to have happen in your life.

So what's an example of this well let's come up with an example let's say that you're starting a business and you're starting a new business and it's the first time you've started a business so it's something new that you're going into and now when you're starting it off. You naturally have some fears, you naturally wonder whether you're gonna be able to to launch this business you naturally wonder whether you're going to be able to pay the bills maybe you wonder about whether you should hire some employees or not you have some reservations about that you don't know if you can pay them and you just wonder if the whole thing is even a good idea and maybe you're gonna risk losing a lot maybe you're gonna lose and you're gonna invest some money you're going to lose that and you've got all these reservations and

So as you're building this business and you're going about your day-to-day actually implementing it creating it what's gonna happen is your mind is gonna shift and it's gonna focus on all these problems it's gonna focus on the fact that well this business simply could fail and so you're gonna be thinking about how do I make this business not fail why don't I go and get another client maybe that'll help me not fail maybe I should go do this thing over here that will help me not fail and you're always thinking about how your business could potentially fail trying to preempt or take some sort of action against that and basically what you're doing is you're planning against catastrophe that's what you're doing that situation that is what 99% of us do in our lives maybe not in such a dramatic clear-cut way as with starting a business because not everyone starts a business and even the people that do don't do it that often so that's a very poignant example but in small ways this is happening throughout your life right you're focusing.
for example on the things that you don't like your boyfriend or girlfriend doing in a relationship maybe you don't like something very small you don't like the fact that they that they pick their teeth at the dinner table or you don't like the fact that they put their their feet up on on the dinner table or just something very small like that and you're always focusing on that and you're saying you know why does he keep doing it what does he keep picking us either the dinner table why does he keep putting his feet up and you're thinking about that and you're focusing on again the thing that you do not like in your life so this is happening everywhere in your life and most people are going through life and they're focusing on the things that they don't like I don't like the traffic jams that I'm going into when I'm driving down to work I don't like how much money I'm getting paid at work I don't like the relationship that I'm in or some aspect of it I don't like some aspect of my health I don't like the fact that I might have a bad hip I don't like the fact that I have a toothache that's bothering me I don't like the fact that I'm overstressed with appointments and I've got too much on my schedule right now I don't like the fact that I can't take a vacation for another seven months when I need one right now so all these issues right and more you've got all this coming up.


Law of Attraction states is that the things that you focus on the things that you put your attention to are the things that you end up attracting more of into your life.and so this is a deep this is actually much deeper than it seems on the surface because with literally happening is that you are focusing on these problems and that you are creating an emotional vibration within you, your thoughts are then soaked in the negativity of the situation on the challenge on the dick beyond the fear on the problem and then you take on that vibration and basically it rubs off on you and then when you're in that kind of state of mind well it tends to attract those things to you and it creates a self-fulfilling prophecy effect and this is not some new-age concept this is not some whoo idea that literally your thought is somehow pulling something negative towards you although that is literally the effect but it's not through some weird metaphysics as it's happening not through magic this is happening because your thoughts generate the action that you take in your life and so you are not going to go out there and take resourceful action you might not take any action at all when your thoughts are soaked in all this negativity and are focusing on all the problems because what that's doing is making you anxious it's it's making you insecure it's making you fearful and when you act from that position your actions are feeble they are many times self-fulfilling and Cass traffic a lot of times you'll worry about something so much that you actually take the action that will lead to that thing becoming true

It's a very very freaky phenomenon in nature and a very freaky phenomenon of human psychology .

This is actually the case so what's the what's the solution well the solution is to adopt what the law of attraction wants you to do and the law of attraction states that since you are attracting these negative things with negative thoughts you can attract positive things with positive thoughts.
And so instead of worrying about your money situation what you do is you think about the awesome money situation that you're going to create for yourself or instead of worrying about the problem little problem area in your relationship you focus on the larger relationship and you focus on how great that is or if you want to eliminate that problem than what you focus on is not eliminating the problem you focus on creating something right it's about focusing shipping your focus on the creation so what do you want to create your relationship how about that why aren't you asking yourself that question really what this is a positive worry,
is about thinking and projecting into the future all the bad stuff that might happen and it's about putting what-if scenarios in your mind well

  • what if I get fired ?
  • what if I get abandoned ?
  • what if I fail at this business?
  • what if I get I make a speech.
    and I embarrass myself make a fool of myself?
  • what if I walk into into the party with my fly down? and people are staring at me you know what if these are like worst-case scenarios well here's one for you what if instead of worrying about things in the negative you started worrying about things in the positive how would that look well.

what if I go and in my job I actually get a promotion next year ??
what if I start making more money because I'm providing more value?
what if I started doing better at school because I'm actually studying.
what if I work on my relationship and my relationship becomes really amazing better?
than most relationships out there and I really flip it around what if I go in to this party and instead of having my fly down.
I walk in there and I'm the coolest guy there and everyone wants to be my friend and I make a bunch of cool friends and connections right .

It's the positive side of worry it's about projecting positive images now this is very unnatural for us to do and this is why 99% of us are not obeying the law of attraction because we're always worrying about stuff this is unnatural for the human brain and what you got to do is you got to recondition yourself and rewire yourself by making a mark in your conscious awareness and putting it on these problem areas in your life and saying okay I've worried about this stuff long enough it's about time that maybe I should try this law of attraction deal and see if it's gonna really pan out the way people say it is and when you do try it and you have to try it with with faith and confidence and consistency what you're gonna find is that it really works and the reason that it works again is not through some metaphysical mumbo-jumbo simply because you become confident you have faith in your actions you're not insecure anymore you're excited about what you're doing because you have these positive visions of what you want to create eight and basically what you're doing is you start to impose your reality on the world rather than the world's reality mesmerizing you and when that happens you start to feel really good and you're able to go out there you're actually able to work on your goals you're able to take action on your goals you're not procrastinating anymore and so through that whole process your thoughts shape your actions and then your actions attract whatever it is that you want in your life and that's basically Law of Attraction think about the things that you want not the things that you don't want now as simple as that sounds you're not going to do it it's just it's really hard to recondition yourself you have to be very persistent with it but if you do if you undertake this initiative and you say you know what I think there's something to this law of attraction and I think I'm it's about time that I try something new because I'm frustrated with the lack of results that I've been getting and you really buy into it and you really give it a good go give it a good go for a month or two where you're just constantly focusing on the things that you want to create in your life and you're not focusing at all on the things that you're worrying about or that you typically would worry about you're gonna find that you're gonna feel very good you're gonna start to develop a good mood you're gonna start to be more cheerful and happy and you're gonna get this sense of confidence you have this sense that yeah I own my life I'm in control of my life I can actually direct my life because I'm creating some positive vision and then I'm going out there taking action towards it and that action seems to somehow smoother seems how somehow more effortless than it was before and you're feeling good about yourself and you just start to notice that it's almost like magic things start to click and you start to see that this is why some books or some authors or just popular culture will say that law of attraction is is this metaphysical thing where it's like you're literally your thoughts are attracting things into your life that's almost what it's like because if you take the action component out of it and that's actually what it becomes is that it's the quality of your thoughts are improved then the quality of the things that you have in your life will also improve but what some people do is they'll discount the intermediary there which is action because your actions are created by thoughts right your actions don't just happen spontaneously and there's two sides to it there's

I mean two aspects there's the conscious loss that you have and the subconscious thoughts and really what Law of Attraction is really really powerful at is working on your subconscious because once your subconscious starts to resonate with that feeling of confidence that pride that you have that sense that everything's okay in the world that calmness that happiness that you have that joy when you start creating from that your subconscious doesn't resist anymore you don't have those fears holding you back you're out there you're taking bolder action and you're you're fulfilling it you're not quitting you're not struggling as much it's not as much as I cried it's more pleasant and when that's happening how could you not attract the things that you want this works for everything this will work for wealth this will work for relationships this will work for businesses this will work for your health literally anything that you want in your life you can attract by simply focusing on the fact that you want it rather than the fact that you don't have it all right so this is a quick little summary of Law of Attraction this is a much deeper topic there's a lot more nuances to this it takes more than one exposure to this idea to really understand it on a profound level and have it work in your life.


>>>>>>>>>>>Special thanks to ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️@crypto.piotr Founder of @project.hope




Yours truly @sarkash7011


I believe that my income will come from my writing, which is why recently I stopped writing non-stop.

I figure that if I am always writing and writing and writing than I am attracting writing to me. I am instead focusing on attracting wealth.

I am attracting wealth and setting a good magnet to wealth.

The Universe will guide me when it is time to start writing again, and I know that it will be much more profitable than the writing I have been working on.

I am very much sure that if you focus and manifest your goal consistently than you will definitely achieve it..
Keep it up☺️☺️☺️
Law of attraction really works 💓
Love from India 🇮🇳

I believe greatly in the law although my believe shakes sometimes when it does not appear as if my believe or faith is yielding any result whatsoever.

But with every day that passes we keep trying and we need to keep staying positive so that positive things will keep coming to us.

That's absolutely Right 👍🏼👍🏼
My dear one ☺️☺️☺️
Think Positive makes everything Positive 😊

 4 years ago 

Greetings dear @sarkash7011.

This is a very interesting publication.
I also believe in attraction. I can't be sure it's a law, but I'm sure the attraction exists.

I wish that this publication had not been so extensive. Maybe with a maximum of 500 words, we would have a more dynamic post.

Generally, users do not read the entirety of a post with these dimensions. Just a little advice.

Ya I write this post because I want to explain it briefly.....
But it's too long I know☺️☺️
Next time I will try to post within 500 words
Thank you very much for your kind appreciation ❤️❣️💕
Love from INDIA 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳

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