With a good self-esteem we can enhance our leadership capacity


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It is very common to see in reality how demanded leaders are, not just anyone leads, so finding a leader who commands in the professional field is usually something very sought after. However, not everything is reduced to the professional field, but also in our private life, since in the personal we must also find a high leadership trait when making our personal decisions.

Nowadays it is not enough to be a professional who has a high knowledge in his profession, but must also have a high leadership capacity, all this is so because there are many companies that have a high degree of demand to find people with a high power of leadership.

Undoubtedly, maintaining a high leadership capacity requires also possessing other high qualities, since leadership does not work alone, you need to have enhanced other qualities, in this case we have to keep in mind the degree of influence that has the fact that we can have a high self-esteem, let's see what are the reasons.

The leader has to expose himself constantly before his subordinates, reason for which he should not show himself incapable of solving a situation, he is the leader, however we are human beings and in some opportunity we can block ourselves, however if the leader maintains a self-esteem in acceptable ranges he will be able to overcome any blockage in his management, and with it he will be able to overcome being seen as someone weak before the others.

When we have a high self-esteem we are more fluent in communication, rarely someone with high self-esteem is afraid to speak and be fluent in communication, for a leader to be fluent in his communication facilitates his relationship with his staff in charge, that is why with a high self-esteem we enhance a good communication and a high power of leadership.

If we have an acceptable self-esteem is because we reflect a good self-image of ourselves, we have our own identity, so we do not care what they may say about us, with this ability we can face any obstacles and inspire the team we are leading.

Undoubtedly there are many reasons that can lead us to think that a high self-esteem can enhance our ability to lead, so we must learn to manage a stable self-esteem to lead under the standards of a leader.


Hello @sandracarrascal, self-esteem empowers us to be better people in our lives in the different aspects of our path, without a doubt, being a good leader does not escape this fact, since we must learn to be empathic in our work, in such a way that we can socialize in a pleasant way with other people.

Hello friend @sidalim88.

According to you, if we do not maintain a high self-esteem, we will maintain a high leadership capacity, since it also requires possessing other high qualities, maintaining a good image, and we will feel more confident in the decisions we are making without fear of being confused or failing, everything in our lives will flow better we will have a better quality of life.

Greetings and thanks for your great contribution.

Hello friend you are really right when you express that with a good self-esteem we can enhance our leadership capacity I really enjoyed your great writing, thank you for sharing it with all of us. Greetings.

Hello friend @ rbalzan79.

By maintaining good self-esteem we will have a better quality of life, maintain better leadership and greater success in our professional performance.

Greetings and thanks for your valuable contribution.

Hi dear friend @sandracarrascal

The leader is one of the most important figures in an organization. Success cannot be achieved without good leadership. We all have to be leaders at some point and it is good to know that stable self-esteem helps with that responsibility.

god bless you

Hello friend @ramsesuchiha.

Exactly according to you, a leader is the main figure in any organization, he is the one who leads without the leader, he does not have positive receptivity in his work, nothing works well when maintaining harmony and a high self-esteem will help everything to arise in the company or organization. that this leadership.

Greetings and thanks for your contribution..

Self esteem definitely plays a massive role in the life of a leader, because he constantly has to communicate with his subordinates, and not appear weak. Self esteem is a quality that a leader has to posses in order to lead successful. Thanks for posting.

Hi, friend.

Being a leader is the most important role within a company since the role it plays is the highest ranking, self-esteem is a fundamental role in our lives to continue emerging in our lives.

Greetings and thanks for your contribution.

Healthy self-esteem is extremely important, a healthy self-esteem is a great ingredient for the attainment of success. A leader with bad self-esteem will not be able to lead right because he will be tossed around without direction, a leader must have good self-esteem that will guarantee a smooth leadership reign,

Self-esteem plays a very important role in our lives, by having a high self-esteem we can achieve our successes or goals more quickly, it is an important factor in our lives to maintain good leadership.

Greetings friend, thank you for your contribution.

Being a leader is not easy at all. We all knows the amount of people that will depending on you. All eyes will be on you to always deliver.

Hello friend @tfame3865.

Certainly a good leader has to maintain a high self-esteem, the leader plays a fundamental role within an organization since he is the one who has the greatest responsibility.

Greetings and thanks for your contribution.

It could be the most important position for any company, organization, or project. The leader must have many virtues to be able to command the ship. self-esteem, patience, communication skills...
In fact, one of the reasons for our community's success is that we have a great leader like Piotr :)

Thanks for sharing :) @sandracarrascal

Greetings friend @qsyal.

Being a leader within an organization is the most fundamental role, which will depend on our leadership, for this reason the leader has to maintain a good self-esteem since the performance and success of it depends on him.

Greetings and thanks for your valuable contribution.

Hello friend, certainly having a good self-esteem is something fundamental in our life, that helps us to love us first before loving someone else. And it gives us tools to get ahead in life. Obviously it is not only about self-esteem, but also about multiple skills and abilities. Greetings.

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