Technological democratization in digital commerce

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There is a need to group together all possible actions towards a technological acquisition that can help an economy where all parties involved can benefit satisfactorily, it is something like a sense of democratization of technology.

It is no secret that with the technological advancement many users have needed to make their purchases on the Internet, especially taking into account the restrictions of the pandemic, so the consumer tends to demand that proximity to a physical purchase but that it is in a digital form, then this goes to a second level where it is a shared need, since the merchant also sees the need to offer their products in digital form.

Starting from the premise mentioned above and above all taking into account the impact that Internet purchases have had, it is becoming more and more necessary to take care of and improve the commercial exchange relationship between the consumer and the local trade entity.

Now, with the pandemic, what the consumer wants is to find affordable prices and a relative proximity to that of a physical store and a personalized attention very similar to that which they might receive in a physical store.

This new need for a digitalized commercial relationship between the client and the business premises is only possible if the technology involved in this digital commerce link between client and business is democratized.

In this sense of democratization what is really sought is that digitalization can offer as close as possible the same benefits that a customer could have when he goes to buy from a physical store, I know it is difficult to be the same way, but in technological advancement there is nothing that is small for humanity.

Let's wait for the new technological advances in this sense of technological democratization and evaluate how this relationship between consumer and store can evolve where everyone wins in this race of the digital era.


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