Let's analyze the changing role of technology for the benefit of environmental preservation

On this occasion I would like to share with you a brief analysis concerning the changing role that technology should play in environmental preservation.

Perception of sustainable development

The future we must seek for our planet in environmental matters must be based on sustainable development, imminently the exploitation of natural resources is already an area in which human development through science and technology is not going to stop producing processed products from environmental resources, however a conscious and rational use leads us to think about a very relevant concept such as sustainable development.

When we analyze the term development we understand that human development is not going to stop as a result of the exploitation of its resources, however if we look for the ways to continue exploiting the resources in a conscious way, it is under that point that we enter in the sustainability of such development, because it is useless to continue producing and to continue developing under an excessive exploitation of resources, if at the end the future generations are not going to have natural resources to continue with such human development.

Due to this perception, our universities and educational centers at the secondary level teach that sustainable development is the development so longed for and that it is sought in order to satisfy the needs of the present without compromising the capacity of future generations to also satisfy their own needs.

As we all know, the needs of both present and future human beings will be the same, that is to say, energy needs, needs for new forms of transport, needs for clothes and shoes and many others, but with the marked difference that the need to produce more, and to need more sources of natural resources, is increasingly strong. From my perception the concept of sustainable development sounds very nice, but in the end it is the actions in particular, aimed at a rational use of the planet's resources that will lead to the current and future man and sow the seeds of a correct application of sustainable development.

For example, it is possible to take into account the sustained development of one of the most precious natural resources that humanity has, such is the case of agricultural resources, taking into account that food is a basic and subsistence piece for humanity, it is essential to adopt mechanisms for sustained development in agricultural matters.


The role that technology should play in the preservation of the environment from a preventive approach

Undoubtedly, the development and progress of humanity will only be possible in a world with low rates of pollution, reducing the high rates of pollution will promote control over water shortages, have less polluted air under which humans prevail without disease from air pollution, in agriculture have more fertile and less polluted soils.

It is under this demand of solutions that the technology takes a parallel and changing role to the development and exploitation of resources, that is to say now science and technology sees viable to develop mechanisms in which treatment plants for industrial and domestic waste are made, that every time are bigger.


Environmental management is also evolving towards these approaches, since if technology takes a changing role to provide us with new elements, which as far as we can see carry implicit engineering characteristics, science and technology, then our role as environmental managers must be on a par with this development and technological transformation towards environmental preservation.

The technological element or equipment that is at the forefront of any environmental problem, be it water, soil or air pollution, as well as the example of the treatment plant, must be oriented to the prevention and proliferation of diseases in the human being, as well as to reduce the contamination rates of our habitats.

I hope that this brief but important analysis will be of reflection for all the friends who have the initiative of reading this article, I hope very soon to continue sharing this type of themes with all of you within the community of Project Hope.


Hello @sandracarrascal, you made a good approach to sustainable development encompassing several areas, as you say in your writing the idea to preserve a healthy ecosystem for future generations, many companies when they talk about sustainability relate it only to the environmental component, but they are wrong because sustainability covers all economic, social and environmental components. Thank you for sharing your experiences !

Exactly friend @amestyj. These are right many are confused which sustainability encompasses all areas, economic, social and environmental and political when speaking of sustainable development we are talking about development with a future that guarantees the satisfaction of the needs of current and future generations without compromising natural and human resources

People see the relationship with Earth as a battle between nature and technology that can only have one winner. In reality, the sustainable technologies of tomorrow won’t be in opposition to our planet.

We are always betting on a sustainable future, which every day is depleting more natural resources through the interaction of the man hand in the same way we can speak that when the contribution of technoscience to sustainability is raised, the first consideration that is necessary To do in relation to the environment is to question any expectation of finding purely technological solutions to the problems that humanity faces more frequently today. Greetings Thank you for your support

 4 years ago 

Hello dear @sandracarrascal.

The technological element or equipment that is at the forefront of any environmental problem, be it water, soil or air pollution, as well as the example of the treatment plant, must be oriented to the prevention and proliferation of diseases in the human being, as well as to reduce the contamination rates of our habitats.

I am sure you know that sonic pollution directly affects people's health.

In this sense, technology has provided very valuable solutions.
The asphalting of new roads and motorways have been developed to absorb noise and reduce sound levels by 7 dB.
Incredible true?

Answering your question about noise pollution! Excessive and annoying noises from industries, airplanes, traffickers and places where they work with chemicals, produce a negative effect on hearing health... they also harm your health again, causing respiratory agitation, increased blood pressure, this is one of the diseases that can be caused by sonic pollution, (Hyperacusis) I know... I explain to you that this disease causes disorders in the human being, restlessness, he does not feel well in any place where there is noise of any kind.
As far as technology is concerned, it is one of the most valuable tools that we have and
has changed our lifestyle, and exactly as you say about the valuable solutions offered to us in connection with the tests registered in Augsburg by the Environment Institute for the benefit of health and consumer protection, a 10 dB reduction is equivalent to a 50 percent reduction in noise, The new road surface is designed to absorb some of this noise, the symbol (DB) this symbol is a unit that is used where we can express what relationship there is between two sound pressure values, very soon I will be explaining a little of this, thank you very much for your comment and questions. Greetings @juanmolina

 4 years ago 

I congratulate you, you did great research.
Thanks for sharing it with us.

 4 years ago 

@tipu curate

Greetings. friend @crypto.piotr, it is very important to have your support

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