Being prepared for failures?

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Whoever tells us that we can be prepared for failures is because he has really been able to live it, because otherwise it may even seem a lie, that is, it is common to think that no one can be prepared for failure, however, what a person can be prepared for is to live all possible experiences that determine him in a state of consciousness that helps him to think that we are exposed to failure at every moment of time.

Even if we are living a life full of successes, it is always good to analyze the environments in which we can fail, our mind, even if it is not in a position to accept failure or to be prepared for it, can have a less negative impact if we carry out previous tests where an evaluation of the possibilities of failure is an option.

The ideal condition for any human being is that nothing bad happens to him, however the reality of life experiences leads us to think that at some point in our lives things will not go so well and we must be prepared for it.

It is important not to confuse the fact of thinking about negative aspects with the fact of being able to evaluate the different scenarios in which we as human beings can fail. Even being able to evaluate these scenarios can help us to never reach those scenarios that are negative for us.


We just want a perfect life and all the good things that life has to offer, but it is also important that we are prepared for the rough days also.

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