Your Mind; Your Limitation

in Project HOPE3 years ago

The human species have an almost unlimited ability. You cannot imagine the extent to which possibilities do exist. However, there is one limitation that exists and that is in the mind. Most times, the greatest concern of humans is not that they are deficient in certain things but that they are too powerful beyond measure. There are many things that have been thought to be practically impossible in the time past, but we now have the possibilities with us now. Take the field of technology for instance, you will agree with me that wonders do exist in reality.


Image from Pixabay

What limits you is not the difficulty of what you want to achieve but the difficulty of your mind to create a way around it. It is true that the human mind has an almost infinite ability but it can also be a bane if not harnessed properly. If you believe within your mind that something is doable, then the possibility in it will become evident and you will be able to harness the mind's infinite creative ability. However, if you conclude something as impossible, you will limit the creative power of your mind and it will become impossible for you.

It is worthy to note that both possibilities and impossibilities have a common birthplace and that is the human mind. It is only the one that you focus on and feed your mind with that you will consolidate on. If you constantly see impossibilities in everything, you will consequently develop an impossibility mentality and your mind will be limited. But if you always see the bright side in everything and see possibilities even in seemingly impossible situations, then you are giving your mind a bigger room to express itself positively.

Everyone may be given a freewill to think, and of course, the power of the mind, but how you use your mind will tell if it will bring you positivities or negativities. Note this: the usage of the mind is your absolute prerogative. Releasing the creative ability of the mind starts with being open-minded. Therefore, the purpose of acquiring extensive knowledge about something is to give you an open mind in place of your empty mind. The difference between an empty mind and an open mind is that the former does not see beyond the immediate, but the later sees possibilities even in seemingly impossible situations.

You will remain limitless until your mind starts to give in to limitations. This is because the limitation that occurs in the mind is what manifests to the entire body and is reflected in one's actions and inactions. When you see yourself becoming inactive in the face of where you are to act, then you should check your mind to know if fear has crept in.


Image from Pixabay

One thing that causes limitations of the mind is fear and this is also what limits people from taking risks. Once the mind starts nurturing fear, the oomph to take steps begins to dwindle, because the mind will be perceiving negativities with every step. The only way to overcome fear is to damn it and take the very step that you are very scared of. By doing that, you are mastering your mind over your fears.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


Greetings @samminator, today you share with us a very interesting topic, because the mind plays a fundamental role in our success, if we are pessimistic people who see everything wrong, the mind adapts to that situation and is limited to solve any problem.

So keep an open mind and be positive in our things will help us to achieve success.

That's right. If we want the things around us to change, we must first change our mindset. Thanks a lot for coming around buddy

hello @samminator,
it is said that the mind makes possible what is impossible, the only thing that limits people is that very few people know how the mind works, it is sad to see that people see their current situation and think that there is no way out, on the other hand fear is a factor that prevents them from having faith in their ability to solve current problems and develop the conditions that will take them from where they are to where they want to go, it is normal to be afraid of what we do not know but we cannot let fear prevent us from making our dreams and goals come true.

This is an excellent comment. That's right, if only people will come to terms with how the mind works, they will not be limited by it.
Thanks a lot buddy

Hi @samminator
I have a saying "it all starts in the mind". It is so, if we don't conceive something we "want to achieve" then we simply won't do it. But if we think something is too difficult to do, it will be, that's the reality.
I can't say more than, I totally agree with your approach, for that reason the most important thing is to educate our mind to make it capable of everything.

I love the saying you dropped at the beginning of your comment. Of a truth, everything starts from the mind. Thanks a lot buddy

There is no doubt that the mind is powerful, just as we are capable of creating great things when we believe them possible, we are also capable of slowing our growth if we do not have confidence in our abilities, just look at the recent Paralympic Olympics to see what we are capable of doing if our mind does not have limitations.

I love the example you gave about the Paralympics. I watched the competition and I understood that as long as the mind is aligned positively, even disability will be turned to ability.
Thanks a lot buddy

Hi @samminator - a great post my friend 🙂

We often talk ourselves out of things, even from a young ages. For example, how often have you heard people say, "I am not good at maths".

We make excuses for ourselves. We should be telling ourselves, "every day I can become a little better " Start with a positive mindset, that will helpbus achieve.

Exactly. Instead of making excuses for ourselves, it is better to start changing our mindset to see positivity, not negativity.
Thanks a lot buddy

As a good muscle that is our brain needs to be exercised and motivated, there are endless factors that can limit the mental capacity of a person from good nutrition to deprecation being the latter a more psychological factor, greetings @samminator

Hi @rubenp, thanks for coming around buddy and for the nice comment

This is very interesting.

What limits you is not the difficulty of what you want to achieve, but the difficulty of your mind in creating a way around it. It is true that the human mind has an almost infinite ability, but it can also be a nightmare if it is not properly harnessed. "* * "What limits you is not the difficulty of what you want to achieve, but the difficulty of your mind in creating a way around it."

It is extremely true... and it is that our ideas and prejudices have been fed to us by the context... the brain will continue to perform its functions according to what you have taught it, and we can become our own limiters. Good post

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