Why Positive Words Should Be Spoken

in Project HOPE2 months ago

The words you speak are not just empty sounds but can go a long way to determine and influence some important aspects of your life like your actions, thoughts, character, attitude, and even your future. If you speak positivities into your life, you will discover that your thoughts, actions and many other things about you will turn to positivity. Just to let you know, there is no word that you use that is neither idle nor without effect. So you have to first think, then speak.


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If you have watched some of these police detectives movies, you would normally hear the cops say something like this when they come to make arrest; "you may remain silent because your words will be used against you." If they know the power of words and can wield it over you, why not you using it in your favour? Even when you are joking with someone or being humourous, you should also be cautious of what you speak. Obviously, if you speak the wrong things, even as jokes, they can affect you negatively. More so, spoken words may be very difficult to retrace when they have gone forth, so be careful.

You are not supposed to speak what your prevailing situations suggest but what you want your mind to believe. Things may not be working for you as you have desired, but your words also matter. If you speak in line with the negativities that you are experiencing, then you are enabling it to continue because you will not even have the zeal to rise up against it. In fact, you will accept it as your lot. But when you speak what you want to see irrespective of what is happening, it will create the zeal and enthusiasm within you to take up necessary actions. Remember that there is a connection between what you speak, how you think, and the things you act. If you must act well, then you should learn to speak well.

What you constantly speak has a way of creating your world. If you see boxers or wrestlers fight, before match, they will engage in what I call "war of words." That is, they will speak certain words into their opponents to instill fear into them. They understand that the words they speak have power, so they use them against their opponent. You will be surprised that a lot of people have become victims of what they speak. If something happens or goes wrong, what is the first thing to respond? Do you say wrong things and further complicate the matter or do you speak positively and take control of the situation?


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When someone speaks, you will understand their personality. In fact, it is from what someone has on the inside that their words will proceed. So in order to speak positively, you have to have a positive mindset and mentality. It is from the abundance or what you have thought in your heart that your words will proceed. Of course, you cannot pour out whisky from a bottle that is full of water even though both of them are colourless liquid. To pour out whisky from the bottle, the bottle should have a whisky content. In the same way, for you to be able to speak constructively at anytime, then you must have to condition your mind to think the right things always.

You may feel the urge to use negative words against a negative situation but the truth is that it will not solve the problem. But when you employ the use of positive words of possibility, you will bring life into the situation and then have the strength needed to face the situation with the mindset to solve the problem. It is worth noting that you are the direct beneficiary of the positive words you speak. Similarly, you are the direct victim of the negative words you speak. You should have this in mind as I summarise with it; "if you do not want to experience certain occurrences in your life, then you should not speak them into existence."

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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