Ways To Deal With Temptation [Part 1]

in Project HOPE3 years ago

A lot of people face various degrees of temptation which is normal as matured people. However, what is wrong is when you let the temptation to overcome you, not being faced with temptation itself. It is important to know that how you respond to temptation or what you do when tempted is more important than the temptation itself. More so, you should also know that the first trigger of temptation is unwholesome desires.

More often than not, people are tempted from the areas that they are very weak at. For example, when someone is weak around alcohol, the major part of his temptation will be centered around there. But for someone that is not drawn to strong drinks, you may not succeed in tempting him with wine. Here, we will some tips to get handy with in order to fight temptation.


Image from Pixabay

First of all, you need to understand what triggers the temptation that you see yourself falling into. For example, there may be a particular place that you will go to, or a particular people you will relate with, and you will end up doing what your conscience will not be happy with. The first step to fighting that kind of temptation is to break off from going to such places or hanging out with such people. When an attack is taken to the root of a tree, the branches will definitely follow suit.

If you can attack the temptation from the root, you can easily overcome them. Sometimes, at the face of temptation, your first and most potent solution may be to flee. There are times that the longer you stay, the weaker you may get and you will see yourself falling into the temptation over and again. Sometimes, a simple "No" could be all you would need to overcome temptation. When you say your "No", mean it and take responsibility for it. Then take actions towards it.

It is not enough to resolve within your heart to do something but you should initiate the actions yourself. Taking of resolutions is a common practice, particularly the ones done at the start of a new year. However, just a few days into the new year, many of them will still fall back and see themselves falling into the same temptation. This is because they have not taken conscious effort to fight against it. Taking resolutions is very good but it is better when actions are complemented to it.

You have to remember that your fight is not to stop temptation from coming, obviously you cannot stop it. Just as you cannot stop the birds of the air from flying over head, the only thing you can stop is the birds from perching on your head. Similarly, temptations will obviously come, you only need to build up your maturity level to know how to fight against them.


Image from Pixabay

You will be surprised that the more you build up yourself, the more you see ways to fight against the temptations, and the more you see how little the temptation will become. The truth is, as you build up yourself and as you gain more maturity, you will discover that the temptation that you have been fighting so hard to avoid will start to avoid you. That is, what you are scared of will now become scared of you.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


Greetings @samminator, temptation is a characteristic that every human being possesses, and it always makes us make mistakes, that is why we must know how to deal with it to keep it under control and avoid committing inprudences that we will have to regret.

That's right. Everyone will be faced with one form of temptation but it is our responsibility to know how to deal with it.

Thanks for coming around buddy.

Hello @samminator!
I think that every day we will be exposed to different temptations, and from time to time we will fall, the important thing is to identify how harmful and dangerous they can be and have the willpower to stay away from them. Thanks for sharing, greetings!

That's right. We should be able to develop the willpower to deal with temptations.
Thanks a lot buddy

Hi @samminator Another alternative is to look for the temptation is not bad or harmful, be tempted by reading, writing, work, creativity, not always the temptation is negative, good publication thank you.

That's right buddy. Thanks a lot for the wonderful and insightful contribution.

Greetings @samminator, no doubt it is a matter of attitude, determination and self love nobody has said it is easy to fight against our weaknesses, but if we are focused for sure can be achieved. Valuable delivery, success in your tasks

Exactly. It is always not easy to fight against weaknesses but with determination, we can achieve it. Thanks a lot buddy

The recognition of our own being and how our mind, body and spirit function harmoniously allows us to recognize temptations more easily and therefore also to become strong in the face of them. Temptations exist and will exist, the important thing is how we either fight and reject them or fall into their abyss of destruction. Thank you for sharing these reflections

I like the fact that you said that temptation will continue to exist. We should be more concerned about overcoming it. Thanks a lot buddy

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