Tips on Anger Management [Psychological View] - Part 1

in Project HOPE4 years ago

For some people, their greatest challenge is taming their anger or at least putting it to check. Just to make the point clear, offenses will come - from the home, at the traffic, in the office, just everywhere, so it is not much of your choice to stop challenges from coming. The only thing you have a choice of is how to react to the situations. This is why it has been said that "how you respond to an issue is more important than the issue itself". Here, we'll take a look at the first part of how to manage anger and complete it in the next episode.

Image from Pixabay

1. Always think well before speaking

This is where many people fail it; they tend to speak when they have been angered and when everything calms, they cannot take back their words and the words may come back to haunt them. Trust me, the words spoken out of anger may stick around longer in the mind of the person it is said to. You will hear some people make this statement; "I just gave him a piece of my mind". However, when the heat dissipates, they will regret what they have said.

Believe me, it is easier to make regrettable, harsh, and rude statements when angry. This is why you have to carry your brain with you at all times. Before speaking, do not just think of what to speak, also think of the consequences of the speech in the long run. Obviously, you may be granted the freedom of speech as a free-will, but how about the freedom after you have spoken? Think about it.

Many people have gotten themselves into trouble simply because they did not know when and what to speak. What if after speaking out of anger and you realize that the angering situation was misdirected, how will you take back your words. Before you speak in anger, if you can pause a while to reflect on what to speak, you may realize that it won't worth the stress and that's how you begin to master your mind over anger.

2. Identify the possible triggers of anger and the solution

To be able to solve a problem, the first step is to identify that the problem exists in the first place. Your knowledge of the existence of the problem will lead you to focus on the solution. Here, you need to identify what normally triggers the anger. For example, if going to certain places always makes you angry at the end of the day, then you may start by limiting how you go to the place. If hanging out with certain people always triggers anger in you, then it will do you more good to change the people you hang out with.

Image from Pixabay

Always try to remind yourself that anger does not get anything solved, so the only thing to do is to find a way to resolve it. Anyone that succeeds to make you angry has only proven that they can control your emotions at will. A friend of mine once said that "anger is the punishment that someone gives to themselves for the offense of someone else". It is worthy to note that anger, most times, is a choice but the consequences of your anger is beyond your choice.

You can also read this article

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

 4 years ago 

Dear @samminator

Finally I've managed to read your post. I bookmarked it like 2 days ago, to ensure to check it out once I have some free time :)

I remember living once with a friend, who suffered with ADHD. So difficult.

Also my own wife used to have some serious anger management issues when we got to know each other several years ago. Challenging and it surely require loads of patience to change mindset of such a person.

ps. waiting for 2nd part. Send me link via discord please once you post it :)

Solid read, upvoted already.
Yours, Piotr

Thanks a lot for the nice comment and for sharing real life experiences with us buddy.

ps. waiting for 2nd part. Send me link via discord please once you post it :)

It's an honour. I'll send the link once I post it.
Cheers buddy

@samminator anger is one of the biggest enemies if you Leary how to control it your will win the world with a smile.

Exactly. The world will be a lot better if we will be able to master our minds over anger. Managing anger begins from within.
Thanks a lot for dropping by

good advice for managing anger, It makes me laugh when they think I'm furious and do things intentionally to generate a reaction (whatever it is)An important tip is to control breathing, to breathe deep and focus before saying anything about that you will surely regret later. Another healthy personal rule I have is not to discuss or try to say something. while I'm angry and wait until it is passed to me to be able to speak or express an opinion. The problem is that sometimes anger or anger can last for years, and then I would go years without speaking Excellent material, I really liked it, I congratulated you

Thanks a lot for this awesome comment buddy. I also have the same rule; I do not like to speak when I'm angry to avoid saying things I may come back to regret.
Thanks for coming around buddy

Your point is really lovely, I am a victim of this act. When I am very upset, I will just be talking. The bad part is that you can't roll back the words after being said. So for some period now, I have been controlling my anger level.

Nice post

That's the disadvantage of talking when angry, you can't un-say what you have said. Thanks for the comment bro

Anger is soul damaging and if not properly controlled, the people involved may lose out of great benefits in life.

You are very correct buddy. I really appreciate your comment

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