Think, Speak, And Act Positively

in Project HOPE2 years ago

There is usually a connection between what we think, what we speak and the way we act. To a considerably large extent, out thoughts usually reflect in our words. No wonder it has been popularly said that "words proceed from the wealth of thoughts." When someone speaks, you can deduce what is going on in the mind of the person and you can guess what his dominant thought is. In the same hand, thoughts and words also affect our actions. When you say that you are unable to achieve a particular task, your actions will follow suit and the task will become unachievable. This is why we have to maintain positivity in our thoughts, words, and actions.


Image from Pixabay

It is true that unexpected circumstances can arise and things may not move in the direction that you had imagined, but you should not fuel it with negativities. Instead, remind yourself that there must always be a way out and that you must overcome it. With this, you are following the situation positively and it will yield positive result. You may not be able to stop or prevent a particular occurrence, but it is within your power to determine your reaction to the occurrence, and ultimately, you can determine the end result.

There is an unimaginable power that lies in your thoughts that it can influence almost everything about you - like your actions. Obviously, it is the accumulation of your actions that will determine both your attitude and your character, and these will ultimately determine your future. So the process of arriving at your desired future starts from your mind and the way you think. If you think positively, then your actions will also align positively. The truth is, nothing is impossible until your mind has concluded that it is impossible.

The great achievements we see all around the world today have their root in the thoughts of the mind. That is, they started as thoughts, the thoughts became dominant, and then gained actions. These actions became repeated towards the set goals and that is how the goals were achieved. It is true that no one can guarantee you a smooth and challenge-free journey towards your dream, but if you think positively that you can achieve it, then you can achieve it irrespective of how many challenges are on the way.

One may wonder why we need to be positively minded at all times. In simple analogy: if you go to a well to draw water, and you let down your bucket, it is the content of the well that you will draw out. If the well has water, you will draw water, and not crude oil. If the well does not have any content, you will not be able to draw out anything. In this analogy, the well is likened to your mind, then the process of drawing it and the bucket can be likened to your actions. The content of the well is likened to the thoughts of the mind. So, it is the thoughts of the mind that manifest on the outside as actions.


Image from Pixabay

You will agree with me that when a farmer plants corn seed, what he will expect to harvest is corn fruit. Similarly, when you sow positive thoughts in your mind, you will reap the "fruits" through positive words and actions. Similarly, if you sow negative thoughts, then both your words and actions will also tilt towards negativities. It is worthy to note that there is a way to turn an already negative circumstance into a positive one through the thoughts of our hearts and our actions. If a negative situation presents itself, you do not have to fuel it by responding negatively, but you confront it by responding positively.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


In whatsoever situation we find ourselves the best thing to do is to be positive. Nice post.

That's right. We should keep our positivity in place.

Thanks bro

Positive thinking is the very root of great achievements. It's impossible to keep trying after repeated failures, if you're not a positive thinker. You have to believe that you'll achieve what you want. Most people don't think positively enough, that's why we have more poor people than rich people.

You've shared with us an incredible post. Thanks a lot of posting.

Very nice and insightful comment. Every great success and achievements have their root in thinking positively.

Thanks a lot buddy

That's right friend, our thoughts have great power over our attitude towards things, and the way we speak is a reflection of it, people who think positively talk about positive things and always find ways to overcome obstacles, people negative only find excuses not to do things

Rightly said. People that always think positively will also speak and act positively.

Thanks buddy

Hello friend, certainly we must think, speak and act positively, this will lead us to great things, greetings and thank you for this valuable posts.

Thinking, speaking and acting positively sure has benefits.

Thanks for coming around buddy

Greetings @samminador, valuable delivery that you do not share friend, where I agree with each of the approaches that you mention to us since the thought the words and actions must follow a correlation, so that allows us to show us to society as we truly are.
In other words, there can be no discrepancy between what we think and what we say and what we act, since we would be a lazy person in the development of this society. Greetings

Hi @samminator

Keeping positivity in our thoughts, words and actions, is a great step to live in complete harmony and spiritual connection, somehow practicing positive actions leads to a better quality of life. Good post.

Best regards, be well.

hello @samminador
Very interesting post, it's not just think and say it, the most important thing is to act, because that defines who we really are.
thank you very much for sharing

Hello friend @samminator.

An extraordinary content which I enjoyed reading, I liked these words that you share with us:

To a great extent, our thoughts are often reflected in our words. Not for nothing has it been popularly said that "words come from the richness of thoughts".

This is totally true my dear friend, that is why as your title expresses, we must think, speak and act positively. Thank you for sharing this wonderful article. Greetings.

Hi @samminator positive thinking is the beginning of success and achievement, spiritual, material, financial. We must believe that we are going to get what we want with a lot of inner strength. Most people do not think positively, it is a work of discipline and dedication.

Thank you so much for posting.

With life not been fair on several occassions, it is quiet tempting to begin to get all negative and discouraged but just like you have mentioned accurately, being positive is extremely important, it helps us navigate through the negative moments efficiently and then before we know it, we have every reason to smile and be happy again.

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