The World Of Endless Possibilities And Infinite Opportunities

in Project HOPE2 months ago

In life, a lot of opportunities abound in life, but you are the one to determine what to make out of it. Everyday you live, there are many things that you can leverage on to make opportunities to work for you, but you have to understand that it can only work when you have a possibility mentality. Your ability to see opportunities as they are is a function of the way you see the world as a place of infinite opportunities. If you believe that you will see opportunities in life, then you will will make the most of it. How you take life will determine what you put into it, which will also determine what you take out of life.


Image from Pexels

A lot of people are waiting for what they can call opportunities, but they tend to forget that opportunities may not appear as something that is nice on the outside. In fact, they may look challenging at the first glance, but when you have channelled your mind to look beyond what you can see, you will see the good things in the challenges. What many people may call problem or challenges, if you look holistically into them, you will see that there are good things that can be drawn from them. You can only make positive things from the situations of life when you are also the person of positivity and possibility.

I remember what a friend shared with me how he turned a particular challenge into an opportunity. I understood that everything that happens in life, irrespective of how it may look, there is still something positive that can be drawn from it. My friend told me how he was posted in a village to serve during his service time for the National Youth Service (NYSC). When he got there, he discovered that they had light challenges and it got worse when the only transformer that they were using blew up. So for many weeks, there were without light. Of course, as it is expected, everyone was complaining about it and seeing it as a major challenge.

But when my friend was going there, he carried with him his small generator which is normally referred to as "I pass my neighbour." When he saw the challenge, he set up a small centre in front of his house, which he normally operated in the evening after work. In the centre, he connected some sockets which was powered by the generator, where people will come to charge their phones and pay per hour. The business became his secondary source of income, but adorably, it made him more money than his main source of income. What others saw and considered as a problem, he saw the same and turned it into an opportunity to make money.

For the fact that you are wishing for opportunities means that you have not taken advantage of what life throws at you. In the world where everything is possible, a lot of opportunities are flying by you in manners that may not look like it, but you will need a positive mindset to access them.


Image from Pexels

It is not everything that happens negatively around you is bad, some may be disguised opportunities that you may not even be aware of. Instead of sitting, waiting, and wishing for opportunities to fall on top of you, try to take steps to create one from the scenarios that come to you. If someone throws tomatoes at you, see it as an opportunity to gather them and make stew from them, instead of complaining of the challenges.

It is how you perceive what is happening around you that will determine how you will respond to it. It is possible that the same thing may happen in the same neighbourhood at the same time, but while some people will be seeing it as negative, some others will see positivities in it. The people that see it positively will be moved to take positive steps towards it and at the end, they will get a good result. You may not be able to determine how things will happen around you or even the happenings themselves, but you can determine how to respond (either to welcome or react) to the happenings.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


There is so much power in possibilities and in us always having a positive mind towards the life no matter how it is

Well said. Thanks buddy @mandate

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