The Relationship Between Success And Patience

in Project HOPE2 months ago

One of the things I have observed over the years and about life is that any good thing you want to achieve will pass through time and through certain processes. Which means that it is not gotten overnight but built over time. If this is the case, then there is a need for you to have patience and wait for the manifestation of what you want. Patience is one of the necessary requirements of success because it opens you up to allowing your plans to go through the required processes while eliminating desperation. Remember that in life, you have to follow certain processes to get certain results.


Image from Pexels

When a woman conceives, there is a required number of months she is to carry the pregnancy before they are delivered. No matter how "in a hurry" they are, they will still have to wait until the due date, otherwise they will have premature baby and also incurring some risks. In the same way in life, if you want to cut through corners to get what you want in a quick-quick manner, it may have negative effects in the long run. When you have an idea or a plan to fulfil, you have to also employ patience to watch it grow, so that it will not become a futile effort.

One of the major undoings of many people in this era is that they want everything quick and sharp, and as such, they have deviated from the normal processes of getting it done. There are things that, until the required timing is fulfilled, it may never yield any positive result. Take for example; if a farmer goes to his farm to plant some seeds, he will not plant it and also hope to get the harvest from it next week. There will definitely be a waiting period that he will have to observe - from germination to flowering to bearing fruits, etc. If he decides to go and uproot the seedlings before they start to bear fruits, he will never get any harvest and his efforts would have wasted.

It is worthy to note that patience is not an act of wasting or killing time, rather it even prevents wasting of time. Just like the case of the farmer: if the seed was supposed to take 8 months to mature and he uproots it in 5 months due to lack of patience, then he would not get any fruit and he has already wasted the 5 months he had put into it. So it is either you develop patience or you stand the risks of missing out of your dreams. This is because your dream will not be created and fulfilled in just one day but it takes time.

However, you have to know that during the period you exercise patience, there are things you can be doing - like improving on yourself, getting more knowledge, trying out new things, experimenting with other options, etc. This will make the patience not to be an ordinary or mere waste of time and so that you will not feel docile. Like a farmer who plants some tree crops in his farm (like mango, coconut, palm, etc), he can also plant some short-term crops like maize, yam, etc, to sustain him while he waits for the long-term. This also applies to business and other aspects of life. As you invest in long-term business, before the maturity period, you can also lay your hand on short-term businesses to keep you going and of course, to put food on your table and to make the patience worthwhile.


Image from Pexels

I have come to also understand that there are some problems that will get solved through the passage of time. When you are served a very hot plate of food and you want to eat it, you may not enjoy it well because of the hotness. But if you allow it some time, it will cool a bit and then the plate of food will become enjoyable. If you lack the patience to wait for it to cool down, you may burn your tongue.

There was a time, many years back, that we were driving and along the road, the car started to heat up and that was when we realized that we had not put water in the radiator for long. So we had to park the car and wait a bit, but out of curiosity, I was about to open the radiator, but my friend held my hand and just said "patience." We waited for a couple of minutes to an hour, then it was now safe to open the radiator and add water. Imagine if I had not exercised patience with opening the radiator cover, it would have been catastrophic. One of the major reasons why some people run into trouble in life is simply because they lack the required patience to go through the processes of life. If you will employ patience, you will see that what you have been running after will begin to fall into place.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


This is really insightful.
Thank you for sharing.

Thanks friend

You're welcome.

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