The Blessedness of Patience

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Many people have grown so impatient that they stop pressing on at the point of their breakthrough. When a farmer plants his crops, from that moment till the time he will harvest them, he will need to have patience. If he goes to uproot the crops every time to check on it, it will die. Similarly, from the point you initiate an idea to the point of execution, there is a need for patience.


Image from Pixabay

The truth is, patience does not equal to waste of time but it is the understanding of time itself. When a farmer plants, during the time he is supposed to wait, he will use it to to nurture the crops (weeding, fertilising, etc), so that it will bring a good harvest. In the same way, having patience does not mean you should be idle and wait for miracle to happen, you can also engage in other complementary activities that will make the wait worth it.

That others are already harvesting their own fruits does not mean you too should. You need to understand that many seeds have various maturity time. Someone that has planted tomatoes will harvest earlier than you that have planted cocoa, but when you start to harvest, yours will be massive. In the same way, the bigger the plan and ideas you have, the more the need for patience. Even in business, someone that started a roadside business can start making gains the same day but the gains will be minimal. However, someone that wants to start a cement factory may have years of input before the returns, but the returns will be massive.

You have to learn to understand "sense of maturity." When a woman gets pregnant for example, there is a stipulated period that the baby should remain in the womb before being delivered. If at a point, the woman gets impatient and decides to deliver the baby before the due maturity time, the baby will become premature. Similarly, many people's ideas have become prematurely terminated, not because it is not a good idea, but because they did not apply the law of patience.

Many people in this era are so much tilted to believing that everything is about "get-rich-quick". Well, this has made many to lack patience and they expect profits at the instance of investment. Most investments will require time to mature and you should understand that. Anything that promises you quick returns that are too good to be true should send a red flag to you. Because some of them may not be good at all.

If a civil engineer wants to build a house, the first point of call is the foundation. After laying the foundation, it will be left to consolidate before building right? If he gets impatient and starts building without following the due process, he may risk collapsing the building. In the same way, you will need patience in order to follow the due processes of life. Anything asides the due process may create struggles.


Image from Pixabay

One of the elements of maturity is the knowledge of times and seasons, and how to apply patience to them. That is, patience to know when to act and when to wait, patience to accept what you cannot change, patience to follow the due process. No wonder this popular quote said:

Patience is truly a virtue

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


Greetings friend @samminator, certainly patience is a very important gift in our lives and not all of us master that gift, there are those who are impatient to start a project and that makes the project does not start with the right processes bringing significant economic losses. Excellent reflection that you share with us today with this topic of patience.

Nicely said. Patience occupy a very important place in the journey of success. Mastering the act of patience will definitely bring benefits.
Thanks a lot buddy

 3 years ago 

Hi @samminator

It seem to me that in present days most people struggle with lack of patience and short attention span. Those who use social media on daily basis are often used to "instant gratification" in form of likes and it only makes them even more inpatient. Wouldn't you agree?

And then the same people are trying to build businesses / relationships and lack of that patience is more often than not a real issue. One that can be a real obstacle in our lifes.

I remember few years back, when I started dating my current wife -> I received one advise from her own mother. She said: all you need is patience.
Such a wise words :)

There is even a saying worth: "patience is a virtue" :)

Cheers, Piotr

Those who use social media on daily basis are often used to "instant gratification" in form of likes and it only makes them even more inpatient. Wouldn't you agree?

I totally agree with you. The world of social media has opened people up to lack of patience. This is so much that many people look for immediate returns on everything - including businesses, which does not work that way.

I remember few years back, when I started dating my current wife. I received one advise from her own mother. She said: all you need is patience.

Wow! This is such a wise words. I believe that the best things of life are worth waiting for.

Thanks a lot for this nice comment and for coming around buddy.

Stay safe

Hello @samminator!
Good post my friend. Having patience is sometimes difficult, however, as you show us is key to achieve what we want. Something important, is that having patience is not to be inactive and let everything drift, is to focus on other things that also contribute and reach the goal. Greetings!

Patience is the mother of all virtues, points out a saying and you have made it quite clear in your publication, friend @samminator, sometimes we get so attached to getting results so instantaneously that either we don't enjoy the process, if we get it Or we get frustrated by taking longer than expected, generating stress, anxiety, and anger.

You always have to be aware, as you say, that everything has its moment and that things happen when and how they have to happen, it is a matter of us knowing how to wait and have faith and trust that we are acting in the best possible way.

Greetings my dear friend!

Hi @samminator, patience is a virtue that not everyone has. However those who have that blessing as you yourself comment are people who are characterized by not hurrying and know how to wait calmly what they have planned. The best example you could take for patience is the process of conceiving a baby, it is something so beautiful and unique in life that sometimes we despair to know this little life that grows inside us. Best regards

That's right. There is always a virtue in patience, but it takes an extensive amount of maturity to be able to apply patience rightly.

Thanks a lot @sidalim88

I like the end, Patience is truly a virtue, and as you say in your article, everything has its time, so says the word of God, patience, for everything, because nothing is fixed or grows by hurrying it.
excellent reflections
thank you

Perfectly analysised friend, patience is a person's ability to wait something out or endure something tedious, without getting riled up. Having patience means you can remain calm, even when you've been waiting forever or dealing with something painstakingly slow or trying to teach someone how to do something and they just don't get it. Many have invested wrongly because of lack of patience.

Exactly. The last part of your comment is a perfect example of lack of patience.
Thanks a lot for this nice and insightful comment buddy

Greetings friend, a good reflection, I liked the analogies. Certainly patience is a virtue that not everyone harvests, especially today, with social networks showing us the progress of all is easy to compare, but as you said, maturity in any area does not come at the same time for everyone, you must always be willing to wait to reap the rewards at the right time, and not before to avoid ruining the work.

Greetings my dear friend, all the examples you placed are brilliant, without a doubt patience is fundamental in business, since investments will not return great profits in the short term, that is where our mentality plays a fundamental role in order not to enter into despair and think that our business is not profitable. See you later, have a great weekend.

Greetings buddy,
Thanks for sharing this important post because we all need to know the postive points about patience.
If we use the art of being patient in the right ways that will help us a lot to pass many of the obstacles that may face us in our lives.
I know that it's not that easy to master this art but also being patient needs to be patient because having a new feautre added to our personality needs some time but when we have it we will be more grateful to everything around us.
Nice post!

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