Taking Hold Of TodaysteemCreated with Sketch.

in Project HOPE2 years ago

The amount of work you put into today will determine how your tomorrow will be. When you leave what you should have done today until tomorrow, then you are already compounding the works for tomorrow and it will affect the results. It is either you choose to work today and then enjoy tomorrow or the reverse becomes the case. The choice is yours. One thing to note is that tomorrow does not create itself, it is the result of what you do today that will become a determining factor of how well your tomorrow will be. Note this: the tomorrow that you are seeking after will definitely start from the actions of today.


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For each day, there should be something on your to-do list that you should try to achieve. Do not just go through the day without creating an action that you will be proud of tomorrow. This is the reason I normally advise people to have a list of what they want to do for the day. Without noting your daily activities, there is a chance that you may forget them. The work you put into your dream today will draw you closer to ultimately achieving your desired dream. It is worthy to note that the actions of today have more potentials than the wishes of tomorrow. So instead of staying and wishing for a better tomorrow, it is better to take up the actions that will lead you to a better tomorrow.

The truth is that you cannot wish yourself to greatness, it only comes from working it out and starting from today. This is why you need to take hold of today. If you allow a day to pass you by without putting any action towards your dream, then you have lost the day. Of course, everyone has been given an equal length of hours in a day, so whatever you do with yours will determine the result you see tomorrow. Also remember that a time that is lost has already gone, so beware not to allow time pass you by. It is true that today may be a gift from nature to you, but how well you use your time today is your own gift back to nature.

A few months back, I was listening to one of my mentors speak and he made mention of the fact that there are two major pains that are known to humankind; the pain of working today, and the pain of regret. He went further to explain that those two types of pains are mutually exclusive. That is, the appearance of one of the pains strongly negates the appearance of the other. Which means that when one endures the pain of working today, then the pain of later regret will be overcome. However, if one evades the pain of working, then they have opened up themself to the pain of regret.

If having a good tomorrow happens by chance or by wishing, then everyone that can wish will have a great tomorrow. It is true that luck can happen to someone, but luck itself can be amplified by working. So do not wait for luck, keep working and luck will meet you along the way. You will be surprised that what many people term "lucky" is just a product of the efforts and works that they have put in the past. If you want tomorrow to favour you, you have to engage yourself in working today. Even if you try and fail, you are still better than the person that has no attempt.


Image from Pexels

When opportunity comes, it meets those that are already engaged in work. The honest truth is, even though opportunities fly around, it will not wake you up if you are sleeping. That is, you are the one to be prepared to take advantage of opportunities and not the other way round. However, more often than not, the opportunities may not appear as you have expected them to. They may be masked in challenges or even appear to be problems, but when you are already active and working, you will realise that there is always a solution that is resident in where everyone else is seeing problems - and that is where the opportunities are.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


The act of procrastination really kills dreams, taking hold of today begins with making appropriate plans for the day, taking the step to finish everything you have set out for the day will help you achieve better results and make plans for the following day.

Well said. We should have plans for the day and take the actions towards our plans today.

Thanks for coming around buddy

Our day is practically in our hands to control, when we are ready to work, opportunities are everywhere and it becomes easy to access those opportunities when we are able to control our day, great one friend.

Excellently said. We are responsible for the outcome of our day by the actions we take.

Thanks dear Bimbo

I agree with the article that luck is acting without waiting. I appreciate it.

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