Success Beyond Failure

in Project HOPE2 months ago

I have seen some people that failed initially at doing something but they did not give up on it, they continued to try it until they succeeded and not just that, they went ahead to gain mastery over the same thing that they had failed at in the past. In life, there is a possibility of success that lies ahead of failure but it is only possible if you will not lose sight of where you are going to and it you will not give up on trying. That you have fallen down in the course of your life's journey does not mean that you cannot rise again, but that is only if you decide not to remain in the ground you fell. Remember that there is success beyond failure.


Image from Pexels

It is true that you may not be able to predict what life may throw at you. In fact, it may even lead you inside some very dark tunnel, but you still have a responsibility to keep going. If you will not stop going even in the darkest of the tunnel, you will finally get to the end of the tunnel and of course, you will meet light there. No one promises you that the journey of life will be devoid of challenges or will be easy, but you should also know that giving up is not even part of the remotest options. In fact, life will throw a couple of things at you that are not palatable but it is by overcoming them that you will experience success.

I once read about the story of Thomas Edison and his amazing invention. But what is more amazing is the fact that he did not achieve it at a single trial but after repeated trials and failures. As a matter of fact, he failed more times than any average human would have lost interest in trying, but he kept at it. He never allowed how many times he had failed to stop him from trying again; he tried more times than he failed. At the end, and after a long time of failing at it, spanning a couple of years, he finally achieved his dream invention. If he had stopped trying the first time he failed at the invention, he would not have become one of the foremost scientists of the ancient times.

Another story that also buttresses the fact that there is success even beyond failure is that of the founder of KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) - Col. Haland Sanders. Right from his early days, it looked like he made a pact with failure. Almost everything he ventured into always hit a dead-end. In fact, he almost became an example of "trial and failure," because he failed at jobs, at business, in marriage, and up until his old age when he discovered he can still make out of life something great. The only thing he was very good at doing all these while was cooking, so he gathered a couple of the remaining money he could and started a cookout business.

He wrote to some businesses for support and as expected, he got so many rejections but he never quitted. He kept trying until his required support came and that was how KFC was founded. Today, you cannot list the top fast-food enterprises in the world without including KFC and almost every city corner you go to, you will see at least one of them. Imagine if he had given up on his dreams when he thought the failure was getting much, he would have become the real failure. But now, no one remembers him for for his failure but for his company - the KFC. If you will not give up on your actions to succeed even when it seems you are experiencing failure, then success will come.


Image from Pexels

It does not matter how many times you have tried something without achieving the result, what matters is that you have not given up and that you are still trying. What I normally tell people is that "the failure you experienced yesterday does not stop the success you will experience tomorrow until you have stopped it by not trying." Always have in mind that you are only defined by what you have made up your mind to believe. That is, even in the midst of failure, you can still choose to focus on your dreams of succeeding.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


To succeed once you have to fail a hundred times. This is my rule

Thanks for coming around buddy

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