Putting Patience In Business

in Project HOPE3 years ago

It is worthy to state here that business is not magical and it is not a ponzi or get-quick-rich scheme. When a farmer plants his seeds for example, it will be insane of him to expect to harvest them that same day. However, many people that go into business expect immediate returns and it has disappointed their expectations. Business, just like the scenario of the farmer I gave, should be mixed with patience.

Image from Pixabay

At the initial stage of business, it will look like it is only input that is being done but in the long run, the outputs will begin to show. The level of input in your business is what will tell the level of your output. For each type of business you want to go into, there is a different maturity level before you will start making noticeable profits. For example, someone going into roadside reseller business may begin to draw profits before someone going into a car manufacturing business but when the person going into car manufacturing business starts making profits, it will supersede the former.

You cannot go into a long term business plan (like the car manufacturing) and expect to start making profits the next day. This is where patience comes into play. Just to let you know; patience does not mean to waste one's time but it is an act of maturity to wait for the maturity period before drawing profits. If you harvest yam before its due season, you will not only kill the yam but you have destroyed your future harvest.

One of the major undoings of many people in business is the over-inflated expectations of quick profit. One thing you need to do when going into business is to have an adequate plan on ground and that includes the maturity period of the business. To maximize profit, you can also run a complementary business that will sustain you until the maturity of the main business - Just like a farmer who plants cash crops (like cocoa) can plant maize intermittently to sustain him until the cocoa matures.

While applying patience, you should be doing other things so that the long period of time will not be wasted. One thing with patience is; it is not gifted, you have to make it as a choice. It is either you bear the little discomfort of patience or you bear the bigger and weightier loss that will arise from lack of patience.

Image from Pixabay

Each time you begin to run out of patience, just take a reflection of how far you have gone and you will realize that you have made a considerable progress. At the end, the patience will pay off positively.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


Hello! You have touched here a fundamental point for the success of our projects. Patience should be a thought instilled in us from the beginning. We can't expect to become rich overnight; each of our steps represents a progress that with the passage of time completes itself until it reaches its summit, although many times, blinded by wanting everything from one day to the next, we can't see it. Greetings!

The expectation of becoming rich overnight is what has pushed many people into unwholesome acts and they may fall into scams. Patience is really a needed virtue.
Thanks buddy

Scammers will continue to make money as long as impatient people continue to throw money in the air. Good things take time and so one needs to be patient and persistent. Nice read

That's right. These scammers majorly feed on the greed and the lack of patience in their victim. Thanks buddy

Patience should be a culture; a way of life, but unfortunately only people can master it. Patience often result in goodness. That is why it is adviceable. You have said well @samminator.

Thanks a lot buddy. Patience will always pay off with positive results

Hello dear friend, it is true, many people want to generate profits very quickly, but the truth is that every business has its time, at the beginning it is very difficult most of the time and usually the first year you have to have a lot of patience, but if it is a good business of course, it will bear fruit. Greetings and thanks for your advice.

You're right, the beginning is usually challenging but just like you said, a good business will always bear fruits with time.
Thanks friend

That's right friend, many people want to get big profits fast, and in any business there are stages that must be met, in many cases of immediate success we have also seen a failure, because they did not have the maturity to manage the success, so you can not run before you walk.

I love the last part of your comment. Yes, you can only run when you have learnt how to walk. Business has stages of maturity too.
Thanks buddy

People indeed go into business for the benefit of making quick profit and they often forget that making profit from a business requires serious patience, perseverance and undivided attention.

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