New Year Resolution: Your Views

in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)

I normally hear people talk about making a list of what they will do at the start of a new year, what not to do, habits to stop and other things to do but my curiosity in all these is; do people really keep to the resolutions they make at new year? I did a random sampling and found out that many people never go past the first month before going back on their words. So what is the right time to make a resolution?

Image from Pixabay

I have asked myself this; does one really need to wait till a new year before making things right or making a resolution? If this were to be the case, then what if the person falters, will he still have to wait till next year to put things right? In my own opinion however, the journey to getting better towards perfection is not reserved only for the new year. Every day has its own part to play in your life and you can get better each day. I remember this very popular quote:

Anytime someone wakes from sleep becomes their morning

Any day you decide to turn a new leaf to do what is right will mark a new beginning for you. There is no doubt, people normally feel the need to enter into the new year with a load of expectations and resolutions but how about keeping to it? There is nothing bad in setting standards and targets for yourself but it should not become conditionally attached to a particular time of the year.

One of the things that make people contravene their standards, apart from lack of discipline, is setting unrealistic target. A friend of mine once told me about a target that he set for himself and by all standards it was almost unattainable; it did not take long and he fell back.

I do advice people to start by putting the bar low and then raise it higher as they go. For example; for someone that wants to stop a particular daily habit (say smoking), advising him for a total and automatic withdrawal of the habit may seem like a mission impossible. It will be easier and more potent to start the withdrawal process by part (that is; little by little). If he is waiting for a new year to make a resolution to quit, it may not come to pass.

Image from Pixabay

Just to let you know, whatever resolution you are making, just have in mind that you are not invincible (as some motivational speakers may want you to believe).

Okay I want to hear from y'all: what do you think about new year resolutions? Have you been a position where you set a resolution and did not fulfil it?

Happy New Year

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


Greetings friend @samminator.
As usual a great article you share with us on this occasion, we must always be ready to work day by day to improve any aspect of our lives, so it is important to highlight what you express:

However, in my opinion, the journey to improve towards perfection is not only reserved for the new year. Every day has its part to play in your life and you can improve every day.

Our success in each goal we set for ourselves must be built day by day without waiting for a new year, so we can correct in time any weakness we may have in a given task.

Thank you for continuing to share your extraordinary contents with all of us. Successes friend and happy year.

That's right. We need to set goals and pursue after it daily and not just once a year. Thanks for the comment buddy

 4 years ago 

Dear @samminator

I just bumped into one of your old publication.

do people really keep to the resolutions they make at new year?

Majority most likely will abandon their resolutions very fast. I myself do not do any new year resolutions. Ever. What about you?

I'm not sure if you will be reading this comment, however let me just say this:
Hopefully you will manage to reach most of your goals for 2021. And let's hope this year won't be as "interesting and challenging" as 2020 has been. Fingers crossed for that :)

Stay safe buddy
Yours, Piotr

In the recent past, I stopped making resolutions only at certain times of the year (like the new year). I figured out that you do not necessarily need to wait till the beginning of the year to make something right. We have the opportunity to make something right everyday, not only in new year.

2021 will definitely be a very good year for all of us.

Thanks a lot for the comment buddy. Stay safe

One thing I always advise people is before embarking to start a new year, one must really have new year resolution and also not only that try to work towards it to achieve it

Yeah, working towards achieving one's goal (or resolution) is the most important thing. Thanks a lot buddy

I generally don't make any new year resolutions as I will not keep it up LoL 😆 but I have small things in my mind and will try to keep that up without resolution.

Lol. This made me laugh hard. Thanks a lot for sharing your honest views. Cheers and happy new year buddy

goals are important since they set the course for us to follow, but if they are only placed at the end of the year as a kind of ritual they are of no use, the ideal is to have a measurable plan of action so that each year you can see your progress.

Yes buddy, goal are very important to the success of anyone. Thanks for sharing your views buddy

Greetings friend @samminator

Happy New Year 2021, I wish from the bottom of my heart that this year will be for you and yours a year of great openings and successes in life, the purpose we must cultivate is to have, a positive attitude at all times, this in order to move away from pessimistic environments, which do us great harm. I agree with you, "every day has its own role in your life and you can improve every day", I would add that every day is an opportunity to achieve our life goals. Thank you for.

I really appreciate your continuous support on my articles. Thanks a lot buddy, and thanks for sharing your views about resolutions here

Resolutions are a great idea to me but I also feel it does not have to be the end of the year before we make plans about changing a bad attitude or starting something new.

That is very correct. Resolutions are good but it should not only be reserved for one particular day of the year but daily. Thanks buddy

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