How Kind Are You?

in Project HOPE2 years ago

I came across a particular quote at the door entrance of the office of my friend which read "be kind to the people you see each day, you may be their only hope to live." These words made so much meaning as to why we need to show Kindness to others. You will be surprised that it is the singular act of kindness that you have shown to someone that will be the salvation that the person has been wishing for. In the midst of the cruelty of the world, you need to stand out with your acts of goodness. Just to bring to you this popularly used quote as culled from the Holy Book:

It is more blessed to give (or to show kindness in this context) than to receive.


Image from Pexels

You should not only be concerned about what others will do for you or the kindness you need to receive from people, but you should also ask yourself if others are getting kindness from you. It is by showing kindness that you fulfil the demands of humanity. It is true that everyone will like kindness to be done to them, but the same kindness you want to receive should start by you giving it.

When you show kindness, it should not be because you want to show off or just to post in on social media as many people now do, but because of your genuine intentions to show kindness. If you post every act of kindness on social media to get the validation and praises of people, then you are not being kind. Your acts of kindness should be to help people and not for praises. The many things that are happening around the world and the level of cruelty that is being witnessed, there has never been a better time to show Kindness than now. If no one has benefited or is benefiting in one way or the other from you, then you should ask yourself if you are really kind.

Now, one way wonder what true kindness is. Each time you are lending a helping hand to someone or assisting someone (which can include giving and otherwise), not because you want people to praise you but borne out of genuine intentions. That is, bearing someone else's burden, or making someone's needs a priority for you. For example, when you enter a bus and already seated, then at the next bus-stop, an elderly person comes onboard and there is no seat again for the person, you can decide to dive up your own seat and allow the aged person to sit. This is part of being kind.

Most times, when you are being kind, you need to suspend your desire to be right, because they do not usually agree. If you try to be right at all cost, you may end up being unkind. Trust me, no one will remember you for being right but they will not forget your acts of kindness. So if you are in-between choosing either to be kind or right, you have to go for the one that humanity will remember you for - that is being kind.


Image from Pexels

The small acts of kindness that you show can make an incredibly large difference in the life of someone. Now one may ask "is there any benefit in being kind?" Apart from the fact that you feel good by making others to feel good, you tend to make more friends and acquaintances by being kind. If you see someone that is often isolated and left in solitude, or someone that loses friends more than he makes any, then one thing can explain it: unkindness. By being kind, you have the knowing that you are living for the sake of humanity.

The demands of humanity is very simply: In order to make the world a better place, you should be good to others, show kindness to all, and treat people in the same manner that you will welcome if you are treated like that. When you observe all these, you will be surprised how beautiful and enjoyable life can be.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


Greetings @samminator,

Being kind is a very good thing and it feel-good as a person until people start using your kindness for their personal use,

and that time when you realize selfish people are using your kindness for their benefit, that time the morale gets down and people generally get tired of being kind and personally feel bad about it, and it hurts a lot belive me ,

Nice post good read : )

That's right, but our kindness should be a reflection of who we are, and we should not allow what someone does to stop us from being kind.

Thanks for the nice comment buddy

This is a very good question that we should all ask ourselves, the answer to which will depend on our interpersonal relationships.

Greetings and thank you for your contribution.

Well said. Our kindness also shows in our relationships with others.

Thanks friend

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