Having The Readiness To Express Gratitude

in Project HOPE3 years ago

When you take an honest look at your life today and compare it to your yesteryears, there must be more than one reason to be grateful. If you cannot see anything that is worthy of gratitude, remember that the life you are living is more than enough for that. More so, no matter what you think you have lost, there is still something that you have not lost - life itself. So far that reason, your heart should flow with ceaseless thanksgiving.


Image from Pixabay

A few months back, I read a story about a particular man that was so disappointed with life because he thought everything was against him. He came out from the university with first class and was not able to secure a job for close to two years. When he was complaining to one of his friends, he opened up his eyes to the reasons he should be grateful first for what he has. Firstly, he was able to pass through university, whereas many others are on the street with no hope of even attending secondary school.

More so, the first class he has should also form part of his gratitude because some others went to school but could not even finish with a good result and others dropped out. When he understood this, he had to make a shift from complaining to appreciation. The truth is, at any point in your life, there must be at least something you can hold on to and be grateful. For the fact that you are not at you lowest point, you should be grateful. Even if you are at your lowest point, at least you are still alive and that alone should give you hope of something better.

Gratitude is not just a function of what you have at the moment but can also be based on the hopes of having something better in the future. This hope comes principally from the fact that:

When there is life, there is hope.

You do not have to wait until you have had all your wishes met before you become grateful. Actually, your gratitude for the previous could just serve as an application for the later. I remember sometimes ago, I showed a little act of kindness to someone. He thanked me and left. The next time he saw me, he still quipped "thanks a lot for the last favour". Mahn!! I was speechless at how he was so grateful for a seemingly little favour. At that point, I was moved and surprised him with a far bigger favour. You could imagine the happiness on his face, it was so adorable.

This taught me a very important lesson about showing gratitude and appreciation. You will be surprised at how gratitude can open the door for a bigger blessing. However, many people think that they are entitled to what they receive and as such, do not lay much emphasis on appreciation. Well just to tell you, there is nothing you receive that you are absolutely qualified for, they are all privileges; even life itself. So try to show appreciation.


Image from Pixabay

If you think you are qualified, you will be surprised to know that there are others that are more qualified than you and have not gotten a part of what you have. Worse still, some of them have even died. So be grateful.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


Greetings dear @samminator, I find interesting the following phrase "gratitude is not only a function of what you have right now, but can also be based on the hope of having something better in the future".

Based on this we must assume and be aware of the little things that life gives us either by divine order or simply by our effort.

In one scenario or the other being thankful allows us to share our feats with others and motivate more people to move forward.

Valuable contribution. Regards

Excellently said. Thankfulness also allows us to share our motivation with others.

Thanks for coming around buddy

Hello @samminator!
Truly living in gratitude is living full of blessings, sometimes we take many things for granted and we don't realize how grateful we should be in the first place for having life because not everyone has the opportunity to get up every morning and breathe and less in these moments we live. Thanks for the message, greetings!

That's right. There is an enormous amount of blessings embedded in gratitude.

Thanks buddy

Hello friend @samminator.

If in the world we practice more gratitude everything would change and we would have a better quality of life, gratitude will help us open doors, it is not just thinking that we have the right to get what we receive, first of all we must thank God for so many blessings.

Greetings and thanks

That's right. If we become more grateful for what we have, we will not be worried about what we do not have yet.
Thanks a lot for the nice comment, friend.

gratitude is one of the principles that every forgiver should practice, to give thanks, to know how to be grateful at the right time, and beyond this, to pay for those small or big details that someone has for us, it is a post with a lot of reflective charge.
thank you very much

That's right, everyone should practice gratitude as a lifestyle and it should be done as often as possible.
Thanks for reading buddy

I think we must learn to always cultivate the habit of been grateful. No matter how small or big it is. One thing that I have noticed is that expressing gratitude makes you a better person

I like the last phrase of your comment. A Heart of gratitude will obviously make you a better person.
Thanks bro

Greetings friend, an important reflection, many people live more worried about what they don't have than being thankful for what they do have, having life and health are enough reasons to be thankful because that allows us to take advantage or look for opportunities to get what we need.

Nicely said, there are many reasons to be thankful and we must focus on these reasons.

Thanks a lot buddy

There is always things to be grateful for, it just that at times we choose to concentrate on our want and failure and decided that there is no need to be grateful.

Nicely said. We should not focus more on our wants but on what we have, so as to be grateful for them.
Thanks for coming around.

Greetings @samminator
We have to be grateful just for being able to wake up and have one more day of life, because we can go to bed and never wake up. Many of us think we deserve things by simple effort and dedication and don't understand that we don't have in total command of our lives . Excellent reflection in these hard days.

thank you very much for sharing your publication.

This is an excellent comment. Yes, for sleeping and waking up is more than enough to be grateful.
Thanks for coming around buddy

Gratitude allows us to be aware of all the good that comes to us regardless of the type of experience we have had, we should be grateful because each event or situation leads us on the path of learning the most important thing we have in life. Always be thankful for the good, the bad, what is, is gone, will go but especially for what always comes to our existence. Thank you for reminding us of the value of gratitude.

There are many good things around us and it is the heart of gratitude that makes us to see them.

Thanks a lot for the nice comment buddy

Hello @samminator!

Showing gratitude to everything we get, we are getting and even of what we had can play an essential part in making us better people, for ourselves and most importantly for the others since being greatful for every small detail in our life will make others happy and not regretful for helping us or even being with us is minor things.

Nice read, thanks for sharing!

Being grateful in small things can open the door to some bigger things.

Thanks for the amazing and insightful comment buddy

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