Having A Winner's Mentality

in Project HOPE2 months ago

What you think will form the basis of what you will eventually become in your reality. When you think like a champion, you will not be swayed off your feet by what is happening around you but you will constantly focus on what you have in mind to achieve. The presence of the rough occurrences is an indication that you can emerge as a champion. This is because winners are crowned after a battle, not before it. So when you think like a winner, it will make you not to give up even when things begin to go south. The truth is that the journey to becoming a winner in your field starts with the thoughts of the mind.


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I remember when I was in junior secondary school many years ago, we held our sports week. It was a sporting competition in which many houses, drawn from each of the classes, will face each other in various sports. Before I could register, I was told that football, which was my favourite sports then, was already full. So I had to choose another sport. I went for table tennis. During the training, it was like I was finding it difficult to find my foot because it had been long I played table tennis last. Even when they organised a demo tournament to test our abilities, I was short of expectation. But since no other person was willing to represent the house in the table tennis, I had to stick with it.

I zeroed my mind that I was going to put in my best and will win something from the competition. I had to begin training for it and I put in extensive work into it. Even when others who saw the performance of the mock tournament advised me to drop from the competition that I was no match for the competitors from the other houses, I told them that I can do it. On the day of the tennis competition, I had prepared both physically, through training, and mentally. I went in with high spirit and that was it, the confidence was felt by the opponents and to everyone's surprise, I emerged as the winner. The mentality I had was what propelled my actions and it paid off.

What you act is exactly as a result of what your dominant thoughts are. When you think like a winner, there are things that you should not be found doing. You should not accept failure no matter the guise in which it presents itself. More so, you do not have to accept your situation as your fate or as your portion, always have what to do to put up a resistance against any unfavourable situation. Trust me, there is nothing of value, including winning, that will be handed over to you by doing nothing. That is, if you want to achieve something great, then you have to realise that there are certain positive actions that you will need to perform, but these will definitely begin with positive mentality and thoughts.


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It is worthy to note that there are things that can enhance your winner's mentality. Firstly, you need to check the kind of people you make friendship with. If you stay around someone that is going nowhere, it will also limit your advancement because you will join them in going nowhere. But if you stay with doers and winners, you will be motivated to do what they are doing which brought them the success and you will get the same result. If the people you stay around with are not helping you to take positive steps towards achieving success, then you need to change them for your own good. You friends should be able to help you become better than you were yesterday.

The next thing that can help enhance your winner's mentality is by focusing on the positive side of everything that happens. This includes thinking the solution, not the problem. For example; if you live in a region that witnesses intense sunlight almost all year round. Instead of seeing it as a problem, see the possibility of harnessing the solar energy and using it to power your environment. This is how to think the solution instead of being beclouded by the problems.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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