Focusing On Making Today Worthwhile

in Project HOPE8 months ago

What you do with today will be a very big determining factor as to how your future will look like. It is by investing your time, resources, energy, etc, into building up your today that you will enjoy the dividends in the future. Of course, your tomorrow does not just happen by chance, it is created by the actions of today. The truth is that yesterday has already passed and gone, so what you need to focus on is the present moment which is the opportunity that you have to create the kind of tomorrow that you desire.


Image from Pexels

In focusing on today to make it worthwhile, there are things you need to observe to do. The first one is to remove your attention from what is already passed - from your yesterday. It is true that you can draw lessons from yesterday, but you should not abide permanently in the past, so that you will not pass away with it. What you can do with the past is only to learn lessons from it in order to apply it to today and then have some better actions. You cannot continue to be in the past and hope to feature in the present. You will agree with me that a driver cannot permanently keep his eyes on the rear glass and hope to move forward. Of course, that is why the rear glass is smaller, because your dominant attention should be on the windscreen (forward), not backwards.

By focusing on today, you have to learn to take prompt actions. That is, understand that opportunities arise always, but what you make out of it is entirely based on what you put into it. It you do not take actions on an opportunity, it will not only pass by you but the people that have put actions will benefits from it. More so, you have to also understand that opportunities may not look like it. In fact, they may carry the guise and masks of challenges, but you should look beyond that challenges. Take advantage of the challenges and you will see opportunities in them.

In the quest to making each day worthwhile, you have to also learn daily to become better. It is worthy to note that each passing day should be an improvement on the previous. In fact, if you do not get better today than you were yesterday, then you have not fully maximized the day. You have to try as much as you can to learn daily - improve on your knowledge, skills, capacity, build up yourself. All these are the seeds that you sow for a greater harvest tomorrow. You will agree with me that you can only harvest fruits if you had initially sown seeds. So the actions of today are what will lead to the results you are expected to have tomorrow.

If you want tomorrow to play according to how you have planned, then you should start today to put in actions towards it. A student that wants to pass their exams excellently well should understand that they need to take their studies seriously right from the start of the semester, not waiting until the day of exam to start reading. In the same way in life, when you have a plan of the dream you want to achieve, you should understand that the best time to start putting in actions was actually the time you created the dream, and the next best time is now. Time will not stop or wait for you to take actions, neither will your dreams remain valid forever, so try to act on them promptly.


Image from Pexels

It is true that you may not be able to go back into the past to change the actions that you took or to undertake an actions you did not take. However, you still have today to take that action, at least for the sake of your tomorrow. Before you take an action or avoid an action, you have to consider the effects it will have in the future. Always remember that it is not only actions that have effects, even inactions have their own consequences. Which means that if you are supposed to take an action and you did not, it will come at a cost and will also present with its effects. So know when to act, when not to take certain actions, and do accordingly.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


I really like your posts because I think we are in sync, every day counts and deserves to make the best of it. You shouldn't go to bed without having learned something, without counting and being grateful for your blessings. We are every little effort and step that makes us great. Grateful for your writings. Congratulations

Well said. Each day should be maximised by our actions.

Thanks for coming around buddy.

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