Doing Good; Our Fundamental Duty To Humanity

in Project HOPE25 days ago

I have come to realise that there is almost nothing as powerful to create a positive change in the life of others as doing good. When we talk about doing good, some people may think of it as a big scale philanthropic services, but just to let you know; even the small act of kindness you do to someone can make a very huge difference in their life. As humans, one of our core duties is to help humanity by our acts of goodness. You may not have everything you have ever needed, but from the little you have, it can still be enough to be used to do good to someone else.


Image from Pexels

It is worthy to note that it is not the size of the good you do that makes it relevant but the availability, the mind, and the intention with which it is coming from. Someone can do good from an impure heart just for what they will gain from it or for gratification or for other material benefits. It is the heart behind the goodness that makes all the difference. This is why I believe that you have to give your heart first before you can give from your pocket. That is, the good you do should come from your inner heart and not just because you are compelled to do it.

You have to also know that you are not doing someone or humanity a favour by being good, rather you will become a beneficiary of that good. By making the world around you better by reason of your act of goodness, you will also benefit from the better world. It is not enough to wish for the world to become better, the responsibility is also on you to help make it so through your acts of goodness. Of course, the changes you are wishing for in the world and how you want the world to look like should begin with you. When you do your own part from the level you are in and the other person does their own part and it continues that way, the world will become better.

Doing good does not always mean giving financial assistance. There are many other things that can suffice as an act of good. For example; giving someone a listening ear, a piece of advice, a shoulder to lean on, or any other assistance in the moment of need. All these, even though they may not be financial, but they can make someone feel a lot better and can even restore their hopes back to them. More so, you tend to build more personal relationships with people and have better friendship when you are a person that is quick to do good. It is the good that you do that will make your memory to be remembered for good.


Image from Pexels

I have also come to realise that there is a sense of value that is created and a feeling of fulfillment that is attained when you do good to people. In fact, seeing people smile because of what you have done for them can lighten your day. Giving people hope through your good acts of kindness can also affect your life positively. You need to know that there is no good act of kindness that is too little to be rendered. What you see as being too small to be used as an act of kindness can be what someone else is hoping to live on. Something as little as a glass of water given to someone who has been trekking under the hot sun for long and feeling very thirsty can make a big difference.

What impact do you make in your neighbourhood? Imagine living in a neighbourhood for months or even years and then leaving without any impact, how will you feel about it? If no one misses your absence, then you did not make them feel your presence. Nothing makes people feel your presence as much as your acts of goodness and kindness. Remember that you are blessed so that you can take of it and also bless humanity. Doing good is part of our principal duties to humanity.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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