Do Not Just Live For Survival, Be An Agent Of Revival

in Project HOPElast year

A lot of people are only concerned about surviving through the day and keep repeating the process on a daily basis. But they tend to forget that instead of being reactive to their situation and only think about survival, they can become proactive and take control of the situation itself. It is not enough to live a life of merely survival, the question is "what impact are you making in the dying world?" How are others living because of you? This is what revival entails. Survival is solely living for yourself, while revival also puts others into consideration.


Image from Pixabay

In an environment for example; when you have a survival mentality, you will be concerned about how to fit into the environment and making things conducive for yourself. For example; putting your own corner in good shape just to suit you. However, when you have a revivalist mentality, you will seek to upgrade the environment, so that not only you can live and survive there, but others can also live and survive there too. While surviving focuses only on one's self, revival puts humanity into consideration.

In order to live above your situation, you have to look beyond the problems of the situation and focus on the solution. It is true that the world is already ladened with enough cruelty, but one thing to understand is that you can bring revival to the dying world. How this starts is simply: from your own corner and in your own little capacity, you can do something to help at least one person in each day. The one person you helped, when they help someone else, the goodness will spread.

It is worthy to note that the kind of goodness you want the world to be modelled after should obviously begin with your own act of goodness. In a dark night for example; if you light a small lantern, you will create so much impact for the people in the room. At that point, you are not just living for yourself alone, you are also helping others to live. More often than not, the size of the help we render or the acts of goodness we do does not matter, what matters is the quality, the readiness, the availability, the heart from which it is done, and the willingness to get it done.

The first step in your quest to becoming an agent of revival is to tilt your mind to focus more on positivities. You cannot think negatively about life and expect to change life from negative to positive. It is worthy to note that your actions (like your good deeds, etc) are extensions of the thoughts of your heart. So if you must change your world positively, then you must first have to change yourself for the positive. Your thoughts and your emotions have tremendous influence on your attitude and on your character, which determines what happens in and around you. If you want good things to happen within you, then you must have your thoughts good first.

You should always have in mind that at the end of the day, no one will ask you how you have survived or what you have amassed for yourself, of course you will not be remembered for that, but on how you have positively influenced your world. If everything you live for is to satisfy yourself and to survive, then you are merely existing and not truely living. Living goes way beyond just for "you, yourself, and yours," it also includes humanity - that is the revival we are talking about.


Image from Pixabay

Among other things you need to understand is that challenges will always come your way (you cannot stop it), but you have to look beyond the challenges themselves to how they can be solved. More often than not, the people that make the most of impact and influence in the world are those that solve problems. So instead of wishing for a world free of challenges, rather wish to be a solution to the challenges of the world. Two brothers (Orville and Wilbur Wright) saw the challenges in the air transportation system and moved to invent a flying machine, and now we have airplanes to solve that problem. So you see, in the world that is full of challenges, try to become the solution that others seek.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


Hello @samminator!
Good reflection. Certainly we can all be agents of revival and help those around us, small changes make a big difference. Thank you for sharing

That's right. We can make a difference with what we have.
Thanks friend.

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