Cultivating The Right Eating Habit

in Project HOPE7 months ago

A lot of people have opened themselves up to unimaginable health issues simply because of eating wrongly. If you will be able to get your feeding habit right, you will be able to prevent a considerable amount of health challenges. What you eat can either positively or negatively impact your health. You do not just eat because you want to prove a point that you can afford the food, you need to understand that you should be intentional with what goes into your mouth. Food should be for nourishment and not just for satisfaction - so eat rightly.


Image from Pexels

A particular scenario played out some months back that goes to prove the need of eating healthily and rightly. A friend on mind developed some health challenges and he nursed it for sometime. When it was about to get out of hand, he decided to pay a visit to their family doctor. During the visit, and after series of investigations and tests, it was discovered that he needed to change his eating pattern. They placed him on special diet and within 1 month, he made a full recovery without having to take medication apart from food. No wonder it is a known fact that "good food does good like medicine."

While growing up, we lived in a neighbourhood where people have the mindset that a particular food should only be eaten on special occasions. For example, they will not give kids egg or meat to eat, except for festive season. I remember there was a time that someone came to the house and saw that I was eating fruits. He looked at me with awe and asked "Sammy, this one you are eating fruits, are you sick?" To him, you only eat fruits when you are sick, but he forgot that you can actually eat it to prevent yourself from being sick. If everyone would take care of their feeding, the need to take medication will be reduced greatly.

One thing to understand about eating is that you do not need to be rich or wealthy in order to have a right sense of feeding. Eating right does not cost more than eating junks, you just need to be intentional about your food. Someone can use little money to make nutritious meal. Whereas, someone else can use huge amount of money to buy junks that would be catastrophic to their health. It is only a matter of intentionality. When you take time to consider the money you spend on food with other irrelevances, you will discover that eating rightly is not as expensive as some people think. More so, there will always be cheaper and good substitute to what you want to buy.

In this part of the world, there are some types of beans that are so nutritious that it can provide almost the recommended daily allowance of protein. There is also the soya beans for people to use to produce soya milk, which is also very nutritious. You should understand that feeding is as expensive or cheap as you want to make it to be. That you spent heavily on a meal does not mean that you will get value for your money - it can still be "expensive nonsense." On the other hand, that you spent minimally on a meal does not mean that it will lack the required nutritions.


Image from Pexels

However, that you want to cut the cost of feeding does not also mean that you should compromise the quality and standards of your meal. Trust me, if you cut cost and lower the standards of your feeding, you may still spend more than that on medications. You have to know how to balance up between spending and feeding. Imagine trying to cut cost of feeding and end up incurring more costs.

Another thing to also be cautious of, as it relates to eating, is timing. There are some foods that, when eaten at the wrong time, will create more harm than good. It does not mean that the food is bad itself, but the timing of the food may make it harmful. Take this instance: after fasting from food for long, then when you are supposed to break your fast and you decide to eat a food with strong acid content. It will be harmful to you and may even erode the walls of the stomach. So as much as you pay attention to what to eat, also pay attention to when to eat.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


Eating well and eating right is highly important, I have also learned that it doesn't take too much to eat adequately/right in most occassions.

Thanks for coming around buddy. Your presence is highly appreciated.

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