🔥 DeFi will be the next pump in the new alt season!

in Project HOPE4 years ago


I really believe that when the next alt season comes the most profitable coins will be the ones that are DeFi related projects. It will happen something similar like the last ICO pump where every single project, no matter the fundamentals was rising in price.

The ones that have spotted this early will benefit a lot from this pump, and like the other one, it will not last much and better to have a plan for selling and securing profits.

I still don't have much of this tokens as I am still waiting for a crash. I think that this expected crash will come mainly driven by macroeconomic events and not for anything related to Bitcoin itself.


The main point here is that if this DeFi protocols can be decentralized enough to be called "Decentralized Finance". I am not sure if they actually are meeting this, I should research more about them.

Another challenge is that they should be secure enough to attract "locked" money, this will only happen with time if they prove to be successful.

I have a lot of confidence that DeFi will be the next BIG thing, we all should put out attention there.

Enjoy! 😊

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It appears promising from your description and we should check it out to gain a better understanding of the project.

He's probably headed DeFi towards something better than what we already have.
I hope so.
Currently projects are still emerging, expanding their use is the key point.

I predict a pump for the DeFi projects this year.
We'll see...

DEFI is the next big breakthrough, the next leap in technology driven by the pandemic and its needs. This will bring much joy to those who wisely hope to ride this wave.
good article

I will try to surf this wave too!

I lost my chance with the i.c.o, I hope to do better this time.

DiFi is exciting. ETH is leading us to a bankless society. Yes there will be bugs and vurnabilities, give the developers time. The tech will improve, Just like BTC has improved. BTC has made tremendous strides in the past two years.
Now ETH has much MORE developers than BTC.

Give DeFi two more years and who know what potential will be unlocked.

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