🔥 Bitcoin history will repeat again!

in Project HOPE4 years ago


Bitcoin has been on my mind almost everyday since 2017. It sometimes feel like an obsession to check their price several times a day. I think that I forgot to check the price less than 10 days in 3 years.

As you can imagine, I have been following the price evolution really hard. And I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what the next move will be.
From my point of view, I have witnessed the "third Bitcoin bubble", and like the other ones, they never explode completely.

It could seem easy to forecast the future of Bitcoin based on the past Bubbles, this time won't be different and we will see All Time Highs and exponential growth again at some point.


The price of Bitcoin is approaching the 12,000$ resistance. This is the 2019 Highest price and I think this will be really hard to break. If I have to bet I would say that we're going to see a correction in the following months.

But this correction is not the point of this article. The point of this article is that I truly believe that history will repeat itself again, Bitcoin is acting like the past. I have not been able to notice any change of behavior from the other Halvings.

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words right? Take a look at this chart from one of the best twitter accounts @ChartsBtc:


Bitcoin price prediction

If we take a look at this chart and think that the orange line will be in the future between the grey and the green one:

  • The price will be over 200,000$ at some point in time.

Why is this important?

Because one of my favorite models, the STOCK TO FLOW MODEL, made by @100trillionUSD predicts an astonishing $288,000 Bitcoin price during the 2020/2024 period!

Coincidence? I don't think so. 😊


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 4 years ago 

Hi @resiliencia

Do you think crypto space is ready (mature enough) for another bull run? 2017 was the worst thing that could happened for crypto. It attracted so many scammers and then regulators and politicians cracking down on those scamms.

Are we ready? I wonder.

Yours , Piotr

Hi @crypto.piotr

I am convinced that the space is not mature enough. We are really really early adopters and we (as a community) will not be mature in 5-10 years yet.
However, this will gain a lot of "new eyes" to the space and little by little, people will understand this world.

Maybe DeFi will play the last ICO-role and we will see a lot of scams but we must take look with a lot of perspective. It requires time 100%.

I think it's all in we'll see yet. I'm also passionate about cryptology. And I'm still here for many reasons. I've heard BTC forecasts up to a million, and it could happen, of course. Looking at that chart, it's easy to see that its price has been going up practically since its inception. And it's likely to stay that way, up for a while longer, that it'll go up to 200,000, I don't know, but I hope it happens

Well, that's another price prediction.
Anybody knows what the price will be, but we can trust that the price will go up over time.

Everything is possible! ;)

@chesatochi !
More than possible I would say! 😊

@resiliencia bitcoin will be growing sooner or later we can see the price at around 15k let see were it goes in the future it's cryptocurrency market

15k will be a really good point to consolidate!

 4 years ago 

@tipu curate

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