Money Management and Women

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Hello and namaste everyone

I hope you are doing good and staying safe.

Money management is one of the important and crucial parts because lots of things are dependent on this. All of our future planning including financial expenses are dependent upon our financial management.



People think that women are not good at financial management and this is why men are the ones taking care of this part. You could say that in the current situation and atmosphere things are changing but and old mindset is still there that do not find women to be more responsible when it comes to money management.

I have grown up seeing my father managing all the expenses and income. He was the one in my family taking care of all of the expenses like school fees, household expenses, and even some sort of investment. My mother used to have the amount that he gives her every month for house-hols expenses. I can't say whether this was right or wrong but with this arrangement everyone was happy and I never saw my mother feel bad about it. Maybe, she also believes in the same thought that my father can manage it all better than her.



I never realized to ask the question from my mother unless I got married because my husband has a different point of view. He started involving me wit his financial matters and taking my advice which was new for me but I was liking it. My father and brother never asked for my opinion related to money matters and this was a completely new thing for me so I asked my mother that why she was never involved with such things with my father. Her answer was simply that she is also grown up in the same atmosphere and she never felt the need of asking to get involved. She is a housewife and was getting enough money for all her expenses which were part of house expenses.



Now with myself, things are another way around because of two reasons-

  • I am given the opportunity by my husband to take such decisions and advice what could better option to spend money on. Its because we are a new generation where there is a difference in thinking just because of gender.
  • I earn money because I work and not just a homemaker that spends the entire day in household things. At my workplace, I get to know what's happening around the world.

I think that I am pretty good at money management and I try to save first a fixed amount then in the remaining I manage all my expenses. I also look for the new age investment options that can give good returns and I also do invest in gold that is a traditional investment

What's your thought about investment.

Thank you so much

Stay Safe



The fact that we bring in gender bias in everything shows how far we still have to go as humans, women or men, anyone could be anything and have any ability. Women in business have also made some giant moves.

I agree with what you say and I like your thoughts as well. Thanks, for stopping by.

I think we all have our own talents whether male or female. In my family, my husband is the best cook and does the banking/bills/ and shopping. Me? I do money management, budgeting, and trading. Yes, I suppose our roles are "mixed up" but I believe that because time is limited, we should just leave the talented person to the work that best fits them. It would take lots of time for me to understand how to cook Korean food. And, it would take lots of time for my husband to learn trading and chart analysis. Perhaps, gender doesn't really matter as long as the job gets done.

You are right. Woman should involve in the finance of the family and can involve in money making and management along with her partner.

I really feel women even know how to handle money better (from my own view), the society is changing and women are knowing what they ought to do and even getting a better exposure relating to money.

I like your thought and yes society is changing. Its good because men and women both are given equal opportunity. Thanks my friend.

Hello friend @reeta0119
Women in general are so capable of anything, that many times the same woman does not know what she is capable of.
There is a lot of machismo, I think, that little by little is decreasing, but it is still present.
For me it is necessary to study the project in which I want to invest, it is necessary to do so, because only living on a salary, does not guarantee anything. The pandemic has demonstrated this.

Hi @josevas217

Women in general are so capable of anything, that many times the same woman does not know what she is capable of.

This is great and I loved your words.
Certainly there is a lot to explore and study and rightly said that salary is not sufice for many things and second income is important. Thanks a lot

women have another perhaps more intuitive perspective of finances, because they know that it is generally spent on necessary items for the home, and I think it is very asking that you have been educated in finance and are assuming this challenge of managing the economy with your partner

 4 years ago 

@tipu curate

Good article, I think it's not a question of gender but of responsibility. Managing finances is something that generates tension and many women were not willing to assume that burden since the burden of raising children was more than enough.

Money management is not a gender based thing, it is based on personality and the way the individual has trained himself or herself to pursue excellence.

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